Speaker stands for M & K K-15 Series


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Has anybody got any idea where I could get stands for these speakers at a reasonable price?

Are these speakers a standard size, or would I need something made to fit?

Thanks guys
Hi devo i use Apollo stands for my MK K15 (now MK M4T) . Check out olympus or AZ range or if you want something cheaper the A range they also do 1000mm size which is good for elevating the rear speakers. They are substantially made and maybe not the most aesthetically good looking object d'art but they suit the MK's well and i've managed to blend 4 into my small front room for 7 years without one derogatory comment.
v1c:Hi devo i use Apollo stands for my MK K15 (now MK M4T) . Check out olympus or AZ range or if you want something cheaper the A range they also do 1000mm size which is good for elevating the rear speakers. They are substantially made and maybe not the most aesthetically good looking object d'art but they suit the MK's well and i've managed to blend 4 into my small front room for 7 years without one derogatory comment.

Thanks for the advice there.

The reason for me asking is because we are about to move house, and I was exploring my options. I currently have them mounted on brackets which are attached to the walls, and are doing a great job I might add. I was wondering what was out there so I might not have to drill into my new walls. What do you think, should I go down the stand route or stick with my current setup?

I might also mention that I got these wall brackets from Argos of all places! And at a bargain £8.99 a pair.
What do you think, should I go down the stand route or stick with my current setup?.

Personally i prefer the flexibility of stands ( eg moving around.... toe in's etc), i had wall mounted shelf with speakers on prior to stands and i have to say i prefer the stands. It will ultimately depend on your own personal surroundings. If you can find a dealer that stocks the range you could ask for a weeks trial to see if stands are for you or alternatively you could try building a make shift speaker stand out of say books try the speaker on them and see if you can visualize what having them on stands would be like. Of course they won't sound as good as on stands but it would give you and idea if you want to go for stands or not. The stands will obviously be more expensive than £8.99.


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