Speaker stands...Am I going mad!!??


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi guys, been getting the hifi bug lately and have invested in a few new bits- namely a Beresford 7520 dac and some new cables to go with my Ion Obelisk 100 amp.  Using my Cambridge Audio 540c as a transport, i've noticed a massive improvement in depth, width and overall clarity in my listening, through my speakers- JPW P1's.  

I felt the system was a little bass light despite the amazing clarity, so on today on the advice of a mate,  filled my stands with kiln dried builders sand ( big sack from Wickes is £3) and for £5- 2 York stone slabs to rest the stands on.  

 The focus on the bottom end is again a huge improvement and totally surprised me!! am I going mad and have succumbed to the dreaded 'sonic placebo effect' or is there some genuine science behind this?? The slabs are on top of wooden floorboards in my living room.  



You may be going mad, but you're not alone!

A lot of people fill speaker stands with sand or lead shot. Some speakers are designed to be filled - I filled the bases of my Kef Ref 1's (as recommended by Kef) when I got them.

I know some people don't like the thought of sand, as it will aborb moisture if there's any present, but I put it inside plastic bags and have had no problems.

Others can probably explain the theory, but it's to do with dampening (not the sand!) and stability.
Yes, minimise vibration and tighten up the bass. Try blu tack between speaker and stand as well, even if you notice no difference it will help keep the speakers secure.


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