When will people learn that the laws of physics don't apply to HiFi? Also, the last thing anyone connected with HiFi wants is someone who knows what they are talking about.Tonmeister said:Just had a quick look at the Tellurium Q website. With regards to the 'Tellurium Q effect' - the reproduction of a square wave:
1. There's no way that any DAC on the market could reproduce their 'signal pulse' as it has perfectly square edges, which would require an infinite bandwidth.
2. The signal pulse appears to have a fundamental wavelength of 2 µs, giving it a fundamental frequency of 500 KHz (the lowest frequency it contains), which is about four and half octaves above what any human can hear.
3. If you believe they've actually done this experiment, take a look at the response of the cheapest cables. They look like they would have reacted to the first edge of the pulse in about 3 µs, meaning that they would be capable of reproducing frequencies up to 166 KHz - still nearly double the frequency that the highest quality digital master recordings contain (96 KHz) - and even most audio pro's consider using that sample rate a waste of time.
Lastly, you're probably getting bored by now, but minimal phase distortion isn't audible, or even important above 10 KHz, as most mic techniques and reverberant rooms totally 'randomise' the phase up there anyway.
When Abbey Road are happy to use £2.50/m speaker cable with £18,000 speakers, then so am I!
You tread a dangerous road