Speaker Cable confusion.


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi, I have recently set up a budget system composed of a Cambridge Audio A1 Mk3 amp Ariston Bookshelf speakers and a Cambridge audio iPod dock. I used bell wire just to see if it was working ok and it was fine, sounded quite nice, but yesterday i replaced it with Gale speaker cable and i can here quite alot of distortion on some bass notes, is it the speaker cable revealing the rubbish source or is there another problem?

spanerman:but yesterday i replaced it with Gale speaker cable and i can here quite alot of distortion on some bass notes, is it the speaker cable revealing the rubbish source or is there another problem?
Are you using bare wires into the binding posts? Check first that there are no rogue strands of wire from one terminal that could be touching any other, on both the speakers and amplifier.
Yep bare wires, none are stray 🙁

Il have to check it with my xmass presents, CDP and warfdale speakers to see if its an amp, source or speaker problem.



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