Hoping people have views or experience on this. Done a search but not found anything definite on this, and the general concensus seems to be that manufacturer manuals overdo the space required. Is there a good guide to the space an AV amp needs?
For an average AV amp my space would have 7 cm on top to a glass shelf, just over 5cm to each side, and 9 - 10 cm to the back. The back is open behind the amp with about a foot t the wall, there are other cable holes in the back, and the glass shelf has a couple of inches gap before the back of the cabinet.
The front is a sliding glass door, with little room for air input, and closed when the amp is on.
Does this sound like it's prone to cause overheating issues? Any advice or experience much appreciated.
Hoping people have views or experience on this. Done a search but not found anything definite on this, and the general concensus seems to be that manufacturer manuals overdo the space required. Is there a good guide to the space an AV amp needs?
For an average AV amp my space would have 7 cm on top to a glass shelf, just over 5cm to each side, and 9 - 10 cm to the back. The back is open behind the amp with about a foot t the wall, there are other cable holes in the back, and the glass shelf has a couple of inches gap before the back of the cabinet.
The front is a sliding glass door, with little room for air input, and closed when the amp is on.
Does this sound like it's prone to cause overheating issues? Any advice or experience much appreciated.