Soundcard vs cd player


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Firstly my set up

Mezzo 6

Roksan k2

Decent cable Atlas ect

this is fed into my pc, i have two sound cards rme digi96/8 pad and sw1000xg

Both sound awsome, the rme sounds better though

The only reason i have not bought the roksan k2 cd player is that i can't be bothered to burn off cd's and constanly have to get up to change the cd's.

Laziness aside am i missing the point.
DomRok:.... i can't be bothered to burn off cd's and constanly have to get up to change the cd's.

When 'burning' or ripping a CD you can begin to play the lossless files as soon as the first track is completed (probably a lot less than a minute at most but usually 20 seconds or so).

So just burn each CD when you want to hear it anyway. That way your time is not being wasted and your collection will grow at the rate you listen.

Eventually you will hardly have to get off the chair at all. Think of each CD you rip as an 'investment' in your future inactivity.

There may occasionally be a bit of 'faffing' with artwork (if a CD is one of the few that does not contain artwork or have artwork accessible on an external database.) But that is usually just a matter of finding a decent pic of the album cover on the internet and copying/pasting it. Takes a few seconds.

On iTunes (for instance) all you need to do is select the... "Automatically download missing album artwork" checkbox in 'preferences' and 95 percent of your album's artwork will be found without you having to do any work at all.

If you have an iPhone, use that as a remote control for your iTunes from your chair.
Lol mate its a good point. Each cd you rip as an 'investment' is a great line.

However its not what i asked, and await a proper answer.

If lazy is your thing, then PC based music has the further advantage of online music services such as Spotify and Last FM. With Spotify you can be so lazy that you do not need to go out and buy the CD in first place

EDIT - I have re-read your original post. I think that you are asking 'am I missing anything using a PC and soundcard instead of a CDP?' The problem is that there are hardly any comparisons of soundcards to DACs let alone CDPs on the forum. However, since I asked about DAC vs Soundcard recently and only got a few responses I did some reading. From other forums and the web in general, soundcards are perfectly capable of producing good music and competing aginst DACs and CDPs. But they are the least used source, so there are few comparisons. If you are happy with your sound, stick with the soundcard would be my advice.
Yeah the title also suggests that.

Also the laziness was a metaphor. The cd player is over £600 and considering the sound cards are already there. Is there point shelling out such overhead.

Thanks for you comments.


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