Sorry now looking for a good streamer

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insider9 said:
ellisdj said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Strictly Stereo said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
I have managed to rip all of my CDs now to flac cd quality onto my Pc hard drive which is easy to do so no point in buying a streamer with built in ripper when I can use my Pc to do it but I was hoping to use my Pc as the main server then passing the info on to a streamer though my network which my Yamaha can do but not been successful yet passing on Flac information to the Yamaha .

but the Yamaha does show everything that I have on my iTunes library on the Yamaha network section but not the flac library and the Yamaha wxc50 shows on my Pc so not sure what to do to make that library to show

According to the specs, the WXC-50 supports FLAC. What sort of server are you running for the FLAC files? UPnP, a file share or something else?
I am just using windows 10 and the files are on my hard drive on my Pc which i have oked my Pc to stream to the yamaha streaming which only shows my itunes music on the yamaha only and not the flac files but do i need a a bit of softwere to make the yamaha see theses files ?

You might need to setup a library management solution like Minimserver (free) or the similar solution from dbpoweramp can't recall the name think it's free if you have dbpower amp already great CD ripping software

point Minimsever at your library point the Yamaha at Minimserver
Should be no need as Windows 10 can act as a DLNA server. I've used it with Xbox One in the past.

Sabbath, try following instructions I posted yesterday. That should do it.
your correct as windows 10 dose have DLNA so I should be able to do this really easily but iTunes music works through the DLNA on windows 10 ok and I’ve already done thoses basics settings on agreeing to share thoses files on my network but as soon as I select the flac files windows 10 media library wants to cut in and play the flac files as theses files have nothing to do with iTunes they are separate but on the same hard drive .

windows shows my Yamaha wxc50 , Oppo 203 , Av1070 , Sony Tv so they are all on my network but I still can’t get the Yamaha to play flac files off my PC yet only iTunes which sucks as something must not be right somewhere I would say maybe the windows 10 DLNA is not compatible with the Yamaha streamer that’s my feelings .
right just download on a 30 free trial Twonky on my Pc and guess what .... I now can play flac files through my Yamaha wxc50 and I can view the album artwork on the music cast app and the price of the software is $20.00 and it finds all of your hard drives and asks what you want the server to look at what a result .

so now I know windows 10 will not take to my Yamaha without server software
Blacksabbath25 said:
right just download on a 30 free trial Twonky on my Pc and guess what .... I now can play flac files through my Yamaha wxc50 and I can view the album artwork on the music cast app and the price of the software is $20.00 and it finds all of your hard drives and asks what you want the server to look at what a result .

so now I know windows 10 will not take to my Yamaha without server software

If you are happy to run a third party UPnP server then Twonky, Minimserver and Asset UPnP are all good options. Asset UPnP is free.
Strictly Stereo said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
right just download on a 30 free trial Twonky on my Pc and guess what .... I now can play flac files through my Yamaha wxc50 and I can view the album artwork on the music cast app and the price of the software is $20.00 and it finds all of your hard drives and asks what you want the server to look at what a result .

so now I know windows 10 will not take to my Yamaha without server software

If you are happy to run a third party UPnP server then Twonky, Minimserver and Asset UPnP are all good options. Asset UPnP is free.
well so far the Twonky softwere is very good indeed i mean for £15 thats great price that gets the job done with no issues as i am now streaming flac files with the yamaha thats great .

There is a but .... when using the music cast app it shows all of my music with great album artwork but none of it is in order i did look at the settings on the Twonky softwere you can change stuff but nothing that puts groups of the same band togeather which i am still looking to see if this is possable .

So i can use my ipad to pick a album or use the desktop to do this and my films are on there to and audio books too so should be able to watch my films on my Tv as well now .
Blacksabbath25 said:
well so far the Twonky softwere is very good indeed i mean for £15 thats great price that gets the job done with no issues as i am now streaming flac files with the yamaha thats great .

There is a but .... when using the music cast app it shows all of my music with great album artwork but none of it is in order i did look at the settings on the Twonky softwere you can change stuff but nothing that puts groups of the same band togeather which i am still looking to see if this is possable .

So i can use my ipad to pick a album or use the desktop to do this and my films are on there to and audio books too so should be able to watch my films on my Tv as well now .

With the proper tags in place you should have the option to sort by album artist.
Strictly Stereo said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
well so far the Twonky softwere is very good indeed i mean for £15 thats great price that gets the job done with no issues as i am now streaming flac files with the yamaha thats great .

There is a but .... when using the music cast app it shows all of my music with great album artwork but none of it is in order i did look at the settings on the Twonky softwere you can change stuff but nothing that puts groups of the same band togeather which i am still looking to see if this is possable .

So i can use my ipad to pick a album or use the desktop to do this and my films are on there to and audio books too so should be able to watch my films on my Tv as well now .

With the proper tags in place you should have the option to sort by album artist.
which end do you do the tags ? the Twonky end or the Pc
Blacksabbath25 said:
which end do you do the tags ? the Twonky end or the Pc

Twonky indexes your music based on the tags. You can go back and edit the tags at any time, but generally the tagging is done alongside ripping or immediately afterwards, depending on what software you are using. There is a free Windows app called mp3tag which will allow you to inspect and edit the existing tags.
Have a look at Bliss -

For album art and tagging, used it for years. I do use Roon (4 months) and do like it, but it is expensive.
Right tried the twonky with the Oppo it shows all music and audio books , films , tv series but the Oppo is saying it doesn’t support the iTunes format for the films and tv series not sure why as I did look up what the Oppo supports and it does support wv4 .

So when I think I am getting somewhere I run into a different problem but it would really would be nice to have a bit of software that will server films , music , audio books , tv series and have all of that lot managed on my Pc and then stream it to my Yamaha wxc50 for music and then my Oppo for the films and tv series .

You would think in this day and age we would have things like that as standard considering we have smart TVs and streamers and WiFi
Blacksabbath25 said:
Right tried the twonky with the Oppo it shows all music and audio books , films , tv series but the Oppo is saying it doesn’t support the iTunes format for the films and tv series not sure why as I did look up what the Oppo supports and it does support wv4 .

So when I think I am getting somewhere I run into a different problem but it would really would be nice to have a bit of software that will server films , music , audio books , tv series and have all of that lot managed on my Pc and then stream it to my Yamaha wxc50 for music and then my Oppo for the films and tv series .

You would think in this day and age we would have things like that as standard considering we have smart TVs and streamers and WiFi

Were these movies purchased via iTunes? DRM-protected content is not going to play.
Strictly Stereo said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Right tried the twonky with the Oppo it shows all music and audio books , films , tv series but the Oppo is saying it doesn’t support the iTunes format for the films and tv series not sure why as I did look up what the Oppo supports and it does support wv4 .

So when I think I am getting somewhere I run into a different problem but it would really would be nice to have a bit of software that will server films , music , audio books , tv series and have all of that lot managed on my Pc and then stream it to my Yamaha wxc50 for music and then my Oppo for the films and tv series .

You would think in this day and age we would have things like that as standard considering we have smart TVs and streamers and WiFi

Were these movies purchased via iTunes? DRM-protected content is not going to play.
yes brought of iTunes and I take it they will only playback on Apple TV and iTunes which is wrong in a way as I own the films I do own Apple TV but an older version before the current model came out .
Blacksabbath25 said:
yes brought of iTunes and I take it they will only playback on Apple TV and iTunes which is wrong in a way as I own the films I do own Apple TV but an older version before the current model came out .

At least you've learned a lesson. You know not to waste any more money on Apple.
Blacksabbath25 said:
yes brought of iTunes and I take it they will only playback on Apple TV and iTunes which is wrong in a way as I own the films I do own Apple TV but an older version before the current model came out .

I am pretty sure they will play back just fine on your Apple TV or in iTunes itself, just not on third party hardware or software. This is not unique to Apple. All of the other movie download and streaming services protect their content in much the same way. Apple removed the DRM from its music downloads some time ago. I am not sure about Apple's audiobooks, but I believe Audible audiobooks are now DRM free.
jjbomber said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
yes brought of iTunes and I take it they will only playback on Apple TV and iTunes which is wrong in a way as I own the films I do own Apple TV but an older version before the current model came out .

At least you've learned a lesson. You know not to waste any more money on Apple.
yes I have learn that one a while ago as I do not buy any downloads anymore of iTunes as there films have got far to expensive to download and rent i used to be Apple everything like iMac , iPhone , Apple TV , iPad but now I only use there iPads which are very good but if I could buy something that’s the same as the iPad I would as I am not a fan of theirs anymore .


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