Blacksabbath25 said:
CnoEvil said:
I think you should take on board both approaches ie. Cheap vs Expensive, and then make up your own mind by listening.
When it comes to listen to different brands at different prices and make your choice.
When it comes to listen to different voicing and choose something that fits your taste, Amp room and budget.
When it comes to a Digital Source...I take exactly the same approach.
There is no doubt that the nature of digital (compared to Vinyl), means it doesn't need to take up as big a percentage of the total system.
There are certainly different ways to skin a cat and there will be a premium to be paid for the likes of Linn, Naim and Cyrus....but they will hold their value on the used Market.
The one area that myself and Daveh75 probably agree on, is that the music should be ripped onto a NAS and accessed from there. Like you, I was convinced that my CDP was all I needed and didn't want to get involved in new-fangled Streaming. After a demo, I changed my mind and after using it for a few years, I'd never go back.
The best half sensibly priced CDP that I've heard, is the the Electro EMC1UP....but you are still having to isolate the motor. IMO. It's better to do away with the problem, than try and work around it.
If you want to hear what spending more on a Digital Source gets you, ask a Linn Dealer to demo the difference between Majik, Akurate and Klimax. I don't say this to push you into a Linn, but allow you to come to a conclusion on whether more money, gets you better SQ. It also gives a benchmark to aim for, no matter what way you approach it.
as I’ve said in the above posts I will keep saving my money and at the same time look what’s around without buying it *smile* so I get a understanding what’s out there for myself so sorry if I wasted your time .
But I will start with demoing different kinds of speakers first to see what else is out there apart from Dali as my thoughts are upgrading the speakers and I’ve rushed things a little here so I will slow down now and just look around
I agree that doing quite a lot more listening is a good move. A number of dealers have open days, or specific product launches, etc. There are several good shows every year in most regions. Some home trials might be available. (You might recall that last year I bought some used Martin Logan electrostatic hybrids, but returned them within the 14 day Ebay period). It’s all good experience!
I agree with Cno that a good Linn demo of streamers will help you get an idea of what’s possible.
Unfortunately, I’ve next to no familiarity with Dali models, but if you can listen to (say) a KEF, B&W, ATC, and maybe a couple of others that appeal in your budget range, you’ll get an idea of where you want to head. You might find a Klipsch, JBL, or Tannoy far more to your taste. It may require some patience and a bit of travel, but it’s surely worth it when spending several thousand GBP?