Sorry now looking for a good streamer

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Blacksabbath25 said:
but got told on here there’s not much differences between Dac’s which put me off to be honest but the only way I am going to know is try and get that chord Dac on home trail if I can so I do not risk my money if it doesn’t work out for me 
Opinions are like ar$eholes....everyone has one and they're usually full of shyte. This has to be your approach until you form you're own.

If someone now told you that Amps make little difference, provided they can control the speakers, you would now say that this is not your experience, having heard it for yourself. IMO your decision to experiment with the Chord, is sensible...and try and get a second opinion from someone who doesn't give a stuff about Hifi, to confirm what you hear.
Epicon 6 only weigh 30kg - only he says - GAIA II be fine for them dude your all set in that regard.

Less expensie short term upgrade while you save up more - not a terrible idea at all
Blacksabbath25 said:
I’ve been looking at the Gaia 2s for ages and yes I would need to pairs £600 and I’ve followed Ellisdj videos on them two

Do you have any kind of acoustic treatment in your listening room? Without taking anything away from IsoAcoustics (I like their stuff), I am pretty sure you would get better value by treating your first reflection points with absorbant panels. I recommend having a chat with Blue Frog Audio.
Strictly Stereo said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
I’ve been looking at the Gaia 2s for ages and yes I would need to pairs £600 and I’ve followed Ellisdj videos on them two

Do you have any kind of acoustic treatment in your listening room? Without taking anything away from IsoAcoustics (I like their stuff), I am pretty sure you would get better value by treating your first reflection points with absorbant panels. I recommend having a chat with Blue Frog Audio.
room treatment is out of the question because I rent my house so the only way would be DSP and going by my ear my room sounds ok to me but obviously testing the room would say something else .
ellisdj said:
Epicon 6 only weigh 30kg - only he says - GAIA II be fine for them dude your all set in that regard.

Less expensie short term upgrade while you save up more - not a terrible idea at all
obviously I would be keeping my Dali opticon 8s for quite sometime until I decided what speaker would be better then my Dali opticon 8s so the Gaia 2s would not be wasted anyway but understand that the Gaia range is weight dependent so something to think about when buying speakers as I would not want to buy them twice .
I haven't played a CD in years and got into streaming using an off-board NAS some years ago now (just prior to the release of the squeezebox touch - we had a squeezebox duet at the time). I remember it all starting when my new girlfriend introduced me to the wonders of apple and Itunes. I thought the ease of playlists and its convenience was amazing but didn't rate the sound quality so started to investigate how to obtain proper 'hi fi' streaming.

At the time, there was very little about and then I discovered the Logitech streamers. Gradually, the sound began to improve, I ripped all of my CDs to FLAC and managed to almost (but not quite) match the sound from my CD player at the time (Arcam C72). Then I heard the newly released Linn Majik and the rest is history. The sound quality not only matched CD but bettered it (IMO). Presumably, Linn thought the same thing because they stopped making their CD players (and these were top rated, expensive machines).

Streaming from you own stored files (ripped or downloaded) together with other on-line sources such as Tidal and Spotify etc is a bit of a life style decision and it's really horses for courses. If you love the physical medium (the CD), then don't abandon the CD player. Many streamers such as the Linn will still allow you to input your CDs from your CD player while making use of their own internal hardware/software (e.g. DAC).

As to the choice of which streamer, then as others have stated, there's lots to go at. Would I still buy a Linn now if I were starting again? The answer is probably, yes. I would probably buy second hand (my Akurate was sourced on Ebay although the Majik bought in 2012 was brand new). Linn have always placed the emphasis on sound quality first and foremost. Sometimes, their approach can be infuriating; they embraced Spotify Connect only a few months ago even though most other manufacturers (e.g Naim) had built it in some time ago. I do love the Linn sound, though and as CNO has stated, if you go down this route, try and listen to their range of streamers from an authorised dealer. However,be prepared to come away wondering how long it would take to save up for their top Klimax player as from all accounts, it's an amazing experience.

Best advice I believe is to take it slowly, don't rush into parting with your money and maybe start with a storage device that will play your ripped CDs through your present kit. If it works and you like it, then maybe think about a better (more expensive?) streamer.
The Oppo-203 has USB inputs. Fot £100 you can get a 4GB external hard drive. I use WD My Passport on my Oppo-105. Rip your CDs to the hard drive and plug that in to the Oppo. You can play your music files from there, no need to stream. It is very much dipping your toe in the water. It should be on a par with your CD player. Worst case scenario is that you don't like it and sell the hard drive at a small loss.
ellisdj said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
ellisdj said:
The decision to buy a Good streamer is a long term one - a decision to change the way you control and consume music in the main - doing away with the disc spinner - pretty pointless having both really if your investing serious coin in the streamer it makes sense for it to be the main source.

If your still happy to stick a disc in and control from a remote then thats great, means you dont Need to buy - to me still using the CD seems like the idea of hell because of the hassle - mad how you adapt and become even lazier than you already are.

If you want the speakers most save for them, in the mean time get out and get listening and learning - not from people on here, except me of course, from actual hands on experience. Get out and have some demos - listen to different speakers as well. You will need to experiment if your Yamaha amp is enough for the Epicons as well. No gaurantee mate you need to try it.

Just buying the better speakers doesnt gaurantee the money spent in sound quality improvement either - it just means there is more capability there you might have to eek out of them - otherwise you will end up blaming law dimishing returns when really its just you need to do more to get more.
So what about with my current speakers and buying the Gaia 2s and the chord Dac that you have would that be wise choice ?

If the end game is heavier speakers you need to make sure the GAIA II will support that weight - in a way it seems crazy to buy something with the future in mind but if you know 100% you will buy better speakers in the future then it makes sense really.

A great dac is a sensible purchase, it cant be a bad purchase whatever way you look at it. The Qutest is a great buy so long as you wont want mQA in the future.

What I have noticed is that the Qutest performance qualty was more obvious when I had the better Luxman in the system.

I.e. its like a lot of things - to hear whats its really capable of it needs to be among the right bits - thats no different to anything. Because its relatively inexpensve doesnt mean its out of place in bigger company - hope that comes across right

A DAC is alright if it's better and you like the sound, some people don't like Chord, I have read comments such as sterile/analytical, too sterile etc. CNO I believe is not a fan either.

Best thing to do is take your time and listen to the different options, at home if possible, I don't see there is a rush here, you have a decent system. Adding a NAS is probably where I would start.
ellisdj said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
ellisdj said:
The decision to buy a Good streamer is a long term one - a decision to change the way you control and consume music in the main - doing away with the disc spinner - pretty pointless having both really if your investing serious coin in the streamer it makes sense for it to be the main source.

If your still happy to stick a disc in and control from a remote then thats great, means you dont Need to buy - to me still using the CD seems like the idea of hell because of the hassle - mad how you adapt and become even lazier than you already are.

If you want the speakers most save for them, in the mean time get out and get listening and learning - not from people on here, except me of course, from actual hands on experience. Get out and have some demos - listen to different speakers as well. You will need to experiment if your Yamaha amp is enough for the Epicons as well. No gaurantee mate you need to try it.

Just buying the better speakers doesnt gaurantee the money spent in sound quality improvement either - it just means there is more capability there you might have to eek out of them - otherwise you will end up blaming law dimishing returns when really its just you need to do more to get more.
So what about with my current speakers and buying the Gaia 2s and the chord Dac that you have would that be wise choice ?

If the end game is heavier speakers you need to make sure the GAIA II will support that weight - in a way it seems crazy to buy something with the future in mind but if you know 100% you will buy better speakers in the future then it makes sense really.

A great dac is a sensible purchase, it cant be a bad purchase whatever way you look at it. The Qutest is a great buy so long as you wont want mQA in the future.

What I have noticed is that the Qutest performance qualty was more obvious when I had the better Luxman in the system.

I.e. its like a lot of things - to hear whats its really capable of it needs to be among the right bits - thats no different to anything. Because its relatively inexpensve doesnt mean its out of place in bigger company - hope that comes across right

Sorry for going slightly off topic, but for those that are interested in MQA the new Electrocompaniet ECM1 streamer / DAC has future MQA functionality and is Roon ready.

Electro said:
ellisdj said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
ellisdj said:
The decision to buy a Good streamer is a long term one - a decision to change the way you control and consume music in the main - doing away with the disc spinner - pretty pointless having both really if your investing serious coin in the streamer it makes sense for it to be the main source.

If your still happy to stick a disc in and control from a remote then thats great, means you dont Need to buy - to me still using the CD seems like the idea of hell because of the hassle - mad how you adapt and become even lazier than you already are.


If you want the speakers most save for them, in the mean time get out and get listening and learning - not from people on here, except me of course, from actual hands on experience.  Get out and have some demos - listen to different speakers as well.  You will need to experiment if your Yamaha amp is enough for the Epicons as well.  No gaurantee mate you need to try it.

Just buying the better speakers doesnt gaurantee the money spent in sound quality improvement either - it just means there is more capability there you might have to eek out of them - otherwise you will end up blaming law dimishing returns when really its just you need to do more to get more.


So what about with my current speakers and buying the Gaia 2s and the chord Dac that you have would that be wise choice ?

If the end game is heavier speakers you need to make sure the GAIA II will support that weight - in a way it seems crazy to buy something with the future in mind but if you know 100% you will buy better speakers in the future then it makes sense really.

A great dac is a sensible purchase, it cant be a bad purchase whatever way you look at it.  The Qutest is a great buy so long as you wont want mQA in the future.

What I have noticed is that the Qutest performance qualty was more obvious when I had the better Luxman in the system.

I.e. its like a lot of things - to hear whats its really capable of it needs to be among the right bits - thats no different to anything.  Because its relatively inexpensve doesnt mean its out of place in bigger company - hope that comes across right 


Sorry for going slightly off topic, but for those that are interested in MQA the new Electrocompaniet ECM1 streamer / DAC has future MQA functionality and is Roon ready.

How much does it cost?
Just my small input.

I too was convinced that i would never stop using a CD player in my Hi Fi system until i had a demo of a Linn system.

I am not a Linn hardcore fan, but did purchase a Linn Majik DS. I was using a Cyrus XPd amp at the time with some Spendor A3 speakers.

I thought it sounded good in my loft room at the time, an oppertunity came up to purchase some Kef LS50 speakers and a Arcam A49 amp and replaced the Spendor and the Cyrus amp.

The sound now is abou as good as it gets in that room.

To sum up, the Linn Majik was better than my CD player, the Arcam A49 made a huge difference and suprisingly the LS50's added another level over the Spendor A3.

To me the LS50's should have been the weakest link but they just sing with this setup.

I would follow CNO's advise and have a demo of the various Linn streamers and if possible home demo one.

As for the NAS, do it, I now stream my music all over the house wirelessly as well as hardwired to the LInn. RIP the CD's with dBpoweramp to the NAS.

I don't use Tidal etc, just the music I own and store.
Q5 said:
To me the LS50's should have been the weakest link but they just sing with this setup.
I have heard exactly that setup....and it sounds remarkably good. I also listen daily to MDS -> AVR600 -> LS50, which isn't 100 miles away.

AFAIK DocG stills runs LS50s from his Devialet (with SAM)...and they were a temporary measure.
Blacksabbath25 said:
CnoEvil said:
I think you should take on board both approaches ie. Cheap vs Expensive, and then make up your own mind by listening.

When it comes to listen to different brands at different prices and make your choice.

When it comes to listen to different voicing and choose something that fits your taste, Amp room and budget.

When it comes to a Digital Source...I take exactly the same approach.

There is no doubt that the nature of digital (compared to Vinyl), means it doesn't need to take up as big a percentage of the total system.

There are certainly different ways to skin a cat and there will be a premium to be paid for the likes of Linn, Naim and Cyrus....but they will hold their value on the used Market.

The one area that myself and Daveh75 probably agree on, is that the music should be ripped onto a NAS and accessed from there. Like you, I was convinced that my CDP was all I needed and didn't want to get involved in new-fangled Streaming. After a demo, I changed my mind and after using it for a few years, I'd never go back.

The best half sensibly priced CDP that I've heard, is the the Electro EMC1UP....but you are still having to isolate the motor. IMO. It's better to do away with the problem, than try and work around it.

If you want to hear what spending more on a Digital Source gets you, ask a Linn Dealer to demo the difference between Majik, Akurate and Klimax. I don't say this to push you into a Linn, but allow you to come to a conclusion on whether more money, gets you better SQ. It also gives a benchmark to aim for, no matter what way you approach it.
as I’ve said in the above posts I will keep saving my money and at the same time look what’s around without buying it *smile* so I get a understanding what’s out there for myself so sorry if I wasted your time .

But I will start with demoing different kinds of speakers first to see what else is out there apart from Dali as my thoughts are upgrading the speakers and I’ve rushed things a little here so I will slow down now and just look around
I agree that doing quite a lot more listening is a good move. A number of dealers have open days, or specific product launches, etc. There are several good shows every year in most regions. Some home trials might be available. (You might recall that last year I bought some used Martin Logan electrostatic hybrids, but returned them within the 14 day Ebay period). It’s all good experience!

I agree with Cno that a good Linn demo of streamers will help you get an idea of what’s possible.

Unfortunately, I’ve next to no familiarity with Dali models, but if you can listen to (say) a KEF, B&W, ATC, and maybe a couple of others that appeal in your budget range, you’ll get an idea of where you want to head. You might find a Klipsch, JBL, or Tannoy far more to your taste. It may require some patience and a bit of travel, but it’s surely worth it when spending several thousand GBP?
Andrewjvt said:
Electro said:
Sorry for going slightly off topic, but for those that are interested in MQA the new Electrocompaniet ECM1 streamer / DAC has future MQA functionality and is Roon ready.

How much does it cost?

It retails at £2995 but you need to add a USB disc drive at £10 to £20 and optional internal storage if required , size depending on your music collection present and future.

It can be ugraded to the same spec as the ECM2 media player if required for media streaming films etc if required at a later date, they just plug the extra bits in the box .
CnoEvil said:
I think you should take on board both approaches ie. Cheap vs Expensive, and then make up your own mind by listening.

When it comes to listen to different brands at different prices and make your choice.

When it comes to listen to different voicing and choose something that fits your taste, Amp room and budget.

When it comes to a Digital Source...I take exactly the same approach.

There is no doubt that the nature of digital (compared to Vinyl), means it doesn't need to take up as big a percentage of the total system.

There are certainly different ways to skin a cat and there will be a premium to be paid for the likes of Linn, Naim and Cyrus....but they will hold their value on the used Market.

The one area that myself and Daveh75 probably agree on, is that the music should be ripped onto a NAS and accessed from there. Like you, I was convinced that my CDP was all I needed and didn't want to get involved in new-fangled Streaming. After a demo, I changed my mind and after using it for a few years, I'd never go back.

The best half sensibly priced CDP that I've heard, is the the Electro EMC1UP....but you are still having to isolate the motor. IMO. It's better to do away with the problem, than try and work around it.

If you want to hear what spending more on a Digital Source gets you, ask a Linn Dealer to demo the difference between Majik, Akurate and Klimax. I don't say this to push you into a Linn, but allow you to come to a conclusion on whether more money, gets you better SQ. It also gives a benchmark to aim for, no matter what way you approach it.

Yes the EMC1 UP has a 12kg electro mechanical damper to isolate the disc drive from vibration and also to stabilize the disc.

I have an oppo for video music discs but If I play a Cd using it's transport into my Electro Dac and then play the same Cd using the transport mech of the EMC1 UP into the Electro dac the improvement when using the EMC1 UP as a transport is very obvious.

This is why I am so exited about the new Electro ECM1 streamer / dac , if it sounds even better the the EMC1 UP then that will be fantastic and extremely welcome. *good*
nopiano said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
CnoEvil said:
I think you should take on board both approaches ie. Cheap vs Expensive, and then make up your own mind by listening.

When it comes to listen to different brands at different prices and make your choice.

When it comes to listen to different voicing and choose something that fits your taste, Amp room and budget.

When it comes to a Digital Source...I take exactly the same approach.

There is no doubt that the nature of digital (compared to Vinyl), means it doesn't need to take up as big a percentage of the total system.

There are certainly different ways to skin a cat and there will be a premium to be paid for the likes of Linn, Naim and Cyrus....but they will hold their value on the used Market.

The one area that myself and Daveh75 probably agree on, is that the music should be ripped onto a NAS and accessed from there. Like you, I was convinced that my CDP was all I needed and didn't want to get involved in new-fangled Streaming. After a demo, I changed my mind and after using it for a few years, I'd never go back.

The best half sensibly priced CDP that I've heard, is the the Electro EMC1UP....but you are still having to isolate the motor. IMO. It's better to do away with the problem, than try and work around it.

If you want to hear what spending more on a Digital Source gets you, ask a Linn Dealer to demo the difference between Majik, Akurate and Klimax. I don't say this to push you into a Linn, but allow you to come to a conclusion on whether more money, gets you better SQ. It also gives a benchmark to aim for, no matter what way you approach it.
as I’ve said in the above posts I will keep saving my money and at the same time look what’s around without buying it *smile* so I get a understanding what’s out there for myself so sorry if I wasted your time  .

But I will start with demoing different kinds of speakers first to see what else is out there apart from Dali as my thoughts are upgrading the speakers and I’ve rushed things a little here so I will slow down now and just look around 
I agree that doing quite a lot more listening is a good move.  A number of dealers have open days, or specific product launches, etc.  There are several good shows every year in most regions.  Some home trials might be available. (You might recall that last year I bought some used Martin Logan electrostatic hybrids, but returned them within the 14 day Ebay period). It’s all good experience!  

I agree with Cno that a good Linn demo of streamers will help you get an idea of what’s possible.  

Unfortunately, I’ve next to no familiarity with Dali models, but if you can listen to (say) a KEF, B&W, ATC, and maybe a couple of others that appeal in your budget range, you’ll get an idea of where you want to head.  You might find a Klipsch, JBL, or Tannoy far more to your taste.  It may require some patience and a bit of travel, but it’s surely worth it when spending several thousand GBP?  

Very good advice
Sorry if I am rekindling a lost flame. But I am reading good things about the elac discovery server. Doesn't have CD ripping that you are looking for. But has roon essentials on board. You can plug in a hard drive into the USB port , as you don't have a nas. Has a good inbuilt dac too. Can output via coaxial and optical to an external DAC if you so decide in the future.

So if you are still secretly considering a streamer. Please check this out .
newlash09 said:
Sorry if I am rekindling a lost flame. But I am reading good things about the elac discovery server. Doesn't have CD ripping that you are looking for. But has roon essentials on board. You can plug in a hard drive into the USB port , as you don't have a nas. Has a good inbuilt dac too. Can output via coaxial and optical to an external DAC if you so decide in the future.

So if you are still secretly considering a streamer. Please check this out .
I’ve had a look at the Cambridge 851N streamer today just have a look it’s not bad it does most things but not sure if it does Tidal or not because when I had a look at one it was using Spotify .

I do like the clean lines of the Cambridge streamer and the album artwork work display and if I got one I would obviously have to buy a NAS to rip my CDs too and would I have to buy roon software so my library would be in order ?

I have a portable cd drive that I use with my laptop so it’s not the end of the world if I do not buy a streamer with a ripper on it

But so I’ve read the Cambridge streamer has dual Dac’s onboard but how good the dac’s Are I am not sure But if I brought my own Dac would I gain anything . Cambridge has a good power supply as well and I could get one on eBay for around the £1000 .

But how the Cambridge streamer 851N £1000 stacks up against a linn streamer £3500 I am unsure as I still got to find a dealer who sells them around my way first as I only have richer sounds , seven oaks which they sell naim streamers , blue sound vault 2 .

anyway I am just looking not touching *smile*
The azur 851N has tidal streaming.

The twin unbuilt DACs of the azur should offer excellent performance. You will not actually need an external DAC. The azur has one DAC per channel, so inter channel cross talk will be reduced, and in theory it should give a superior soundstaging.

In my very limited experience, I found that amps and pre-amps with DAC's have a particular synergy at the design stage. So if you go for the azur, maybe best to use the Yamaha as a Poweramp, instead of a integrated amp. Anyways you can try both and see what you like.

Since the azur comes with its own operating system and control app. It will have the option of indexing your music collection. But since I don't have first hand user experience with CA products, I can comment on how good their OS is.

So with azur, you don't necessarily need a separate roon core computer. And also please bear in mind that the azur is not a roon end point. So even if you install roon on your computer, it will send music to the azur via airplay. And airplay is not bit perfect at higher sampling rates.

The advantage of a Nas over a hard wired hard drive, is that a NAS has its own operating system and processor. So indexing and retrieving music from same is faster. And from a spinning hard drive it is slower. Though an SSD hard drive will be much faster than a spinning drive.

So as per the above, in my opinion the azur 851N is a great peice of kit as a streamer. And something I had myself considered for a lonnnnng time. But its only disadvantage is that it is not a roon end point. So if roon is not critical to you, it is an excellent choice at that price 🙂
newlash09 said:
The azur 851N has tidal streaming.

The twin unbuilt DACs of the azur should offer excellent performance. You will not actually need an external DAC. The azur has one DAC per channel, so inter channel cross talk will be reduced, and in theory it should give a superior soundstaging.

In my very limited experience, I found that amps and pre-amps with DAC's have a particular synergy at the design stage. So if you go for the azur, maybe best to use the Yamaha as a Poweramp, instead of a integrated amp. Anyways you can try both and see what you like.

Since the azur comes with its own operating system and control app. It will have the option of indexing your music collection. But since I don't have first hand user experience with CA products, I can comment on how good their OS is.

So with azur, you don't necessarily need a separate roon core computer. And also please bear in mind that the azur is not a roon end point. So even if you install roon on your computer, it will send music to the azur via airplay. And airplay is not bit perfect at higher sampling rates.

The advantage of a Nas over a hard wired hard drive, is that a NAS has its own operating system and processor. So indexing and retrieving music from same is faster. And from a spinning hard drive it is slower. Though an SSD hard drive will be much faster than a spinning drive.

So as per the above, in my opinion the azur 851N is a great peice of kit as a streamer. And something I had myself considered for a lonnnnng time. But its only disadvantage is that it is not a roon end point. So if roon is not critical to you, it is an excellent choice at that price 🙂
I still keeping my options open at the moment Newlash I am not rushing this one so the Cambridge was the first streamer I’ve looked at so far *smile*
Even I am confused most of these days. I am suggesting kit here, that I myself am not buying.

So more time you take to research the options the better.

I have found that the first set of these streamers costed what they did just because of the cost of R&D and engineering. Not beacuse of manufacturing costs.

The second gen coming out now, are again claiming superior clocks and power supply, and again charging a bomb.

The allo digi one I mentioned yesterday has two onboard clocks and a linear power supply for 80 pounds. So really how expensive can it be to build those extoic streamers.

I expect decent priced streamers to start appearing soon due to trickle down of technology. Till then I am not buying anything.

But if I like roon when I try this time in my vacations starting in June, I might buy a decent end point streamer if the roon + devialet AIR streaming doesn't work me.
I'm bringing the Streamer input back here.

The Klimax DS is very expensive, but not that expensive:

DS (include Pre)....18,900
Again, brining your discussion back here.

I don't want to have too much influence over your demo. Ask the shop which of their amps would be closest to your Yamaha. With brands like Devialet, Plinius, Moon and Boulder...there should be decent choice (and may come down to what works with the speakers you choose). FWIW. I think the Refs would work well with Devialet and Class A Plinius
newlash09 said:
Even I am confused most of these days. I am suggesting kit here, that I myself am not buying.

So more time you take to research the options the better.

I have found that the first set of these streamers costed what they did just because of the cost of R&D and engineering. Not beacuse of manufacturing costs.

The second gen coming out now, are again claiming superior clocks and power supply, and again charging a bomb.

The allo digi one I mentioned yesterday has two onboard clocks and a linear power supply for 80 pounds. So really how expensive can it be to build those extoic streamers.

I expect decent priced streamers to start appearing soon due to trickle down of technology. Till then I am not buying anything.

But if I like roon when I try this time in my vacations starting in June, I might buy a decent end point streamer if the roon + devialet AIR streaming doesn't work me.
it does make you wonder to be honest how they can justify the cost on some of theses streamers I mean you find a picture of the Cambridge audio 851N and all there is inside is the power supply and 3 boards that’s it and a load of space inside the box £1400 it really makes you wonder is it worth it .
CnoEvil said:
Again, brining your discussion back here.

I don't want to have too much influence over your demo. Ask the shop which of their amps would be closest to your Yamaha. With brands like Devialet, Plinius, Moon and Boulder...there should be decent choice (and may come down to what works with the speakers you choose). FWIW. I think the Refs would work well with Devialet and Class A Plinius
I will see what the chap says tomorrow but if I have to take my amplifier I will try to as this will give me a true picture of what the streamer will sound like at home unless I can get a home demo which I am not sure that’s possible yet .

but if you visited this Did you notice the trade-in , sale section on that website I noticed he had some ex-demo linn on his sale page but unfortunately not the streamer I am interested in


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