I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you. The rules that are followed in the hi-fi world also have a bearing in the AV world as well. A speaker can only perform as well as the amplifier allows it to, so improve the amp (taking care of matching of course), improve the speaker. AV amps under £500 are being packed with more and more technology, a lot of it unnecessary, but it's eating up the overall budget allocated to to it. As amplifiers get cheaper, electrical components used get cheaper, and amplification gets cheaper. The ability of budget amplification to drive higher quality speakers is diminished compared to amplifiers which are less restricted by their budget. Try your RS6's on the end of your 606 and then replace it with a 905 or 3800, then you may appreciate the difference amplification can make.
We're here to help people with their systems and to avoid costly mistakes, as a good dealer should do. Our recommendations are based on our experiences and knowledge. Too many people are using speakers that are too good for their amplification, and subsequently are listening to systems that just aren't performing to their full capabilities.