sony ps3 suffering from screen tear in hd


New member
Aug 10, 2019
havin bought a sony ps3 (60gb) about a year and a half ago ive just noticed recently im gettin screen tear affect on the tv, its not all the time but do usually notice it when it gets warmed up but im just wonderin whether its the ps3 or the tv.

i use the ps3 for online gamin and thought it might be because of the broadband server causin the screen to glitch, but i ended up disconnecting the broadband but still found i had the same problem, im usin a good hdmi cable aswell that being the chord company 1.3a, i just cant figure out where the source of the problem is because the tv doesnt do it on normal digital tv mode its just on hd mode throgh the ps3, has any one else seen this problem?
I sometimes get tearing on my PC monitor unless I switch off all the image processing features. Have you tried the 'Game' mode on your set?
Some games do suffer from 'screen tear' as thyeyre badly programmed. Nothing you can do about that (Except maybe lower the resolution, depends on the game)

But it doesnt happen on movies does it?
well ive tried it with game mode on and dont like the picture so i have never left it on long enough for it to do it, but i have left it on menu screen of ps3 and it does it on that aswell, ive never watched a movie on it im afraid thanx for your help.
gster:well ive tried it with game mode on and dont like the picture so i have never left it on long enough for it to do it, but i have left it on menu screen of ps3 and it does it on that aswell, ive never watched a movie on it im afraid thanx for your help.

If it tears on the menu screen, theres clearly a problem somewhere!


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