Sony kdl46w4500u discontinued !!


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Aug 10, 2019
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While searching for best price for the above I noticed several sites said the model had been discontinued and was being replaced by the 5500u in March. I thought this model only came out in October 2008 so would be the current model for a year at least. I have read there is a couple of issues with this model, is that be the reason it's being replaced so quickly. I'm now in a bit of a dilema,do I wait for the 5500u which I hope is the same price and has the previous models issues resolved or do I still go ahead with the 4500u.


With all the issues raised with the Sony LCD backlight bleed I'd wait.

Even then, as it is so soon after these probs have arisen and some have complained of this issue on even the top of the range Z series as well, you'd have to query Sony's ability to fix it so quickly. Some have had no probs and some have but, if it were me , I'd steer clear of a Sony until the niggles have been sorted.

Not sure what LCD I'd buy as I'm a plasma man !!


Thanks for reply. I tend to stick with manufacturers I find reliable so therefore I have some brand loyalty towards Sony although spending £1200 on a Tv with known issues worries me. I guess the sensible thing to do would be to wait but I need to know if issues have been sorted or not and if the 5500u will be around the same price. Do Sony usually change there models every 6 months.

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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TV ranges are typically on a 6-, 9- or 12-month update cycle at the moment, depending on their place in the line-up (the smaller, less technology-sensitive sets tend to last a year, for example). AFAIK, the 4500 range goes on a little longer (while stocks last), with the 4000 now being discontinued.

But who ever knows with the enigma wrapped inside a riddle that is Sony....


Well-known member
W4500 is indeed now on a 'while stocks last' basis with UK stock now very very difficult to get hold of.

The fact that the range is coming to an end is just down to normal product shelf life and nothing at all to do with the issues that have been raised by some users.


I keep looking and even Google doesnt come up with any 5000/5500 models ?


Well-known member
fordypaul:I keep looking and even Google doesnt come up with any 5000/5500 models ?

Not due out until March/April. The specs look excellent but I can't share full info because its still under embargo at the moment. As ever, the proof will be in seeing the sets up and running.

The gap between ranges is purely down to demand outstripping supply on the current model.


fordypaul:I keep looking and even Google doesnt come up with any 5000/5500 models ?

I also googled sony kdl46w5500u the other day and there are 2 lnks one to rgb direct and the other to cheap electricals, both quote £1595. I did find it on a couple of other sites when searching for the 4500u which informed that model was discontinued and was being replaced in March with the 5500u but cant remember which ones.

There are quite a few online retailers with the 4500u in stock according to their sites and the cheapest deal i've found is £1155 inc del.

I have a budget of around £1200 and have been looking for over a month now, I had settled on the 4500u and would have liked to have stuck with sony as all my other av gear is sony and I've never had any problems with them but with it's backlight bleeding and clouding issues and my luck I don't think I can gamble on getting a good one.

After doing a lot of research it appears plasmas give a better picture but as far as I know sony dont do plasma tvs only display panels.

I've been looking at Pioneer plasmas but they only do 50" in their latest model range which is too big, wifes still not convinced 46" will be ok. While looking at pioneer came across the 46" kuro lcd which has confused matters even further.

So which tv should I go for around my budget, not bothered if its lcd or plasma just want the best for my money. I will mainly be watching SD and possibly upgrade to sky hd in the near future plus watching blueray through a ps3. Any help or advice gratefully received.


I have since found something and i think its Bravia 3 engine technology, still full details will come out in time!


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