Sony cdp from 1985, thoughts?


New member
Jul 12, 2015
Hello all,
I picked up one of these for £20 from a charity shop, as my curiosity got the better of me. I find its sound to have more charm than my Marantz cd5004. It's output seems less forced volume wise, and easier to listen to. Anyone out there have any knowledge of these machines?
It's quite something that it is still working. I googled a few pictures but couldn't tell if it is one of the early design models built on a cast or die chassis. If so, it'll be quite heavy.

It was rather later, I think, that the "stamped from plastic" models appeared, that cut costs but felt flimsy. I preferred the 14 bit oversampled Philips and Marantz decks to the 16 bit Japanese ones at the launch, but with hindsight maybe this Sony was quite good?
It's certainly quite heavy for its compact size, and the edges of the casing are curved. I wonder if many of the components-bar the DAC- were built with more physicality, with higher grade anologue parts?
nopiano said:
It's quite something that it is still working.  I googled a few pictures but couldn't tell if it is one of the early design models built on a cast or die chassis.  If so, it'll be quite heavy.

 It was rather later, I think, that the "stamped from plastic" models appeared, that cut costs but felt flimsy.  I preferred the 14 bit oversampled Philips and Marantz decks to the 16 bit Japanese ones at the launch, but with hindsight maybe this Sony was quite good? 

I was actually very surprised how good it is. It seems more detailed and natural than my cd5004- which I've always felt has a nasty leaden-thump to rhythms. The Sony seems more laid back and more attacking all at once. Its not at all gritty in the treble, or vague with bass. That is, in comparison to the Marantz. I wonder if the Sony has a great transport?
Sony CD players were pretty consistently good right through to the 90s. I had a CDP-110 years ago and then a CDP-597, and both gave me hours of enjoyment. I suspect I would be happy with either of them even now, although I do like the Denon a great deal.

The difference in sound will be due to the DAC type used, which is signed magnitude in the Sony player, but todays DAC IC's, are delta sigma based. Signed magnitude DAC chips are difficult to obtain, and the popular philips DAC IC from 15 years ago sells for £50 each, whereas current IC's are £4.


Thanks for all your replies, very kind of you! I've for everything yet to learn about tech-specs of cd players, but I find it interesting. This Sony has a nice synergy with my audiolab 8200a ano MA Silver 1 speakers. The sound seems to be nicely sculpted across the whole spectrum. Lots of bite with vocals which I didn't have with the Marantz. I wonder if they got most things right, back in the year of Band-Aid. This player is just a year younger than myself. A piece of treasure.
insider9 said:
These are the details I found on your CD player. Transport and dac. Hope that helps

CX20017 - CX23035
Thanks so much for looking into that. I'm out of my depth here, but I can learn. I'm becoming more sceptical of the idea that newer=better.
SatelliteMan said:
insider9 said:
These are the details I found on your CD player. Transport and dac. Hope that helps

SONY CDP-30 CX20017 - CX23035 KSS-120C
Thanks so much for looking into that. I'm out of my depth here, but I can learn. I'm becoming more sceptical of the idea that newer=better.

You're welcome 🙂


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