I've got them both already (actually got the newer versions), but that's not the point. I paid £50 more for my player than most people, because lovely Sony dropped the RRP after 10 days (yes, 10 days) of the BDP-S550 going on sale. I think the lest they can do is give me the discs I am due as a paying customer, but from what the chap above you said I'm not holding out much hope (I was a very early adopter as well). As usual Sony's service sucks; it's just a pity that they make decent products!
The only company that has annoyed me more inrecent years is Toshiba, who have spent the better part of a year ignoring my technical queries about a product I bought with their fingers in their ears. It would seem Toshiba don't know anything about the technicalities of their own products. Either that or they know and don't want to admit anything for fear of having to compensate customers.