Sony BDP S350 Blu ray registration


New member
Jul 24, 2007
Ok I finally got my blu ray player and was online to register my player when asked for my player serial number, anyone know where on my player that may be?? Dont want to enter the wrong number.
Yes I would expect S/N or serial printed on the back followed by a number but I only see a number, could be a batch or other data.
I just give them the 8 or 9 digits on the back?, dont know if it right, and i phone up Sony to ask about the delivery date for the 2 blu ray films and it 28 days.
yes it must be right just looked at the box it came in and the number matches one on the box except that on the box it starts with SO1-
They should change the delivery date for the discs to 'whenever we like', because I registered on the 15th of October and still haven't had them despite two calls to Sony. It's annoying when I hear of people getting them in a week or two when I've been waiting seven.
You are lucky after waiting for weeks for my discs, Ihave Been told I'm not getting any because registered my BDP S350 a few days too early, so much for customer loyalty in Sonys case it sucks!!!!!!
Mentasm:They should change the delivery date for the discs to 'whenever we like', because I registered on the 15th of October and still haven't had them despite two calls to Sony. It's annoying when I hear of people getting them in a week or two when I've been waiting seven.

I know it's not what you want to hear, but I was amazed at the speediness in getting my BDs. I was expecting a long wait, but I had them inside a week.

Handy catching up on 'Batman Begins' too, as 'The Dark Knight' is currently winging it's way to me, courtesy of


Chin up, they'll be here before you know it.

I've got them both already (actually got the newer versions), but that's not the point. I paid £50 more for my player than most people, because lovely Sony dropped the RRP after 10 days (yes, 10 days) of the BDP-S550 going on sale. I think the lest they can do is give me the discs I am due as a paying customer, but from what the chap above you said I'm not holding out much hope (I was a very early adopter as well). As usual Sony's service sucks; it's just a pity that they make decent products!

The only company that has annoyed me more inrecent years is Toshiba, who have spent the better part of a year ignoring my technical queries about a product I bought with their fingers in their ears. It would seem Toshiba don't know anything about the technicalities of their own products. Either that or they know and don't want to admit anything for fear of having to compensate customers.
Big Chris:Handy catching up on 'Batman Begins' too, as 'The Dark Knight' is currently winging it's way to me, courtesy of
Me too - I'm so excited about watching this on my system. I saw it in the cinema but I think this is really going to kick some butt on Blu-Ray!
I looked at it briefly last week and it has a few issues. Some edge halos in certain scenes and the fluctuating aspect ratio is a bit annoying as well. There also seems to be more detail in the 1080p trailer than the BD transfer as well...


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