Sony 40W4500 and Sky HD problem


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Aug 10, 2019
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I would really like some advise please. I have got the Sony 40W4500 TV which I think is excellent and I'm more than happy with except for one problem. When I watch Sky HD sports, the person that is talking mouth movement doesn't coincide with the sound being made. Is it the telly or is it Sky? It doesn't seem to happen on any of the other channels. If you have had the same issue what did you do to resolve it.

Many thanks, Sims


Go into the service menu on your sky box then select audio options and you should see a lip sync or audio syc option and select that you should then be taken back to the previous tv channel you were watching but with a strip across the the bottom of your screen with audio delay or somthing like that cycle through the options till everything look good and save....or something like that :)


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Sep 6, 2007
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sims123456:Thanks garethwd I will give it a go tonight :)

It's called Audio Delay under Audio Settings. However, it only delays so you can go backwards and not forwards if you get the drift. Are you using optical or coaxial for your sound? This is a problem that you have to get used to I'm afraid. If the Sky box was hdmi 1.3 compliant and you could get surround sound through hdmi with the Sky box and all your other boxes were hdmi 1.3 compliant - you wouldn't get the problem. A lot of ifs though!


Now I'm confused, sorry to sound dim but I don't know what optical or coaxial are, I thought these were type of leads you use. I'm not using a surround sound system, I didn't have the budget. I'm using HDMi leads to connect everything else to the TV


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2008
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Does this problem happen all the time, Sims? ÿMy studio and match picture/audio are normally perfect, but the pitch-side stuff is sometimes way out. ÿThat's a Sky problem at the production end, I think, and I just put up with it for a few minutes. ÿThere are pages and pages of stuff on the forums re lip-synch. ÿIt's not always your box which is at fault - the broadcasters are sometimes struggling to maintain synch at their end during transmission.


Hi Sorreltiger, Yes this is happening all the time studio and match side. I am trying what Gerrardasnails has suggested but getting the TV to myself at home is hard sometimes. So I will have a go again tonight, the thing as well is that I need a long interview. Thnx for the help.


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