Just been examining the option of putting a play1 in the bathroom, and consulted an electrician friend. He says that whilst it's moisture resistant, it stillshouldn't be in zone 1 or 2, or anywhere where it can fall into water. So he suggested, cutting the three pin plug off, joining and sealing the join, and making a longer cable, that can go through the ceiling, in my case. He would run a spur off the bathroom ceiling supply and install a second pull switch, with which to switch it on or off. Wait for it to light, then join to the Sonosnet, set volume and your away. He was still concerned about the ability to use the top buttons with wet hands as you don't know if these are sealed against this. He suggested covering these over permanently and only using the app or remote.
all the best with your endeavours, will let 'you know how I get on.