def lugs:michael hoy:
He has a right to ask for a discount or price match if he so wishes and it is his money at the end of the day and the sales person should be polite with the customer.
Definitely with you there on politeness, but I would ask if this is ethical. At the time the contract was made between the customer and the supplier. I must assume that he was happy with all the terms and conditions (including price) or he would not have performed the transaction. So if nothing has changed within the transaction and the goods are as described he does not have a right to his money. I know that bending of the distance selling regulations will allow him to do this and by law the company even has to cover the return postage costs. But to break his end of the contract, by fraudalently claiming the goods are not what he wanted so he can recieve his money back does not really sound that honest.
I dont think anyone said anything about lying to them, I did tell them found it cheaper, and would they price match, genuine question and she could have said, Im really sorry we cant go that low, but could give you 5.00 credit or something, as the customer is always right, but no she got on her high horse and got in a mood, just because I had the cheek to ask.