should a centre speaker be set to small or large ?


New member
Nov 24, 2007
is it better to set a centre speaker to small and let the sub manage the bass or set the centre speaker to large and let the centre manage the central bass

i ask because centre speakers hz tend to be set in the 50's where-as floorstanders in the low 40's and subs at low 20's

is it better to set all 5 speakers to small (even floorstanders) and set the sub to say 80hz
isnt there a problem of low frequencies of say an explosion damage the speaker?
There is a big miss understanding with Large vs Small , in reality all speakrs should be set to SMALL, and from there u set the crossover lets say something about 80-90HZ and let your sub handel the deep bass from there, these is even recommanded by the THX , u will gain more clarity and less distortion by seting them to small...if u are sure that your speakers can handel deep bass flat down to 20-30HZ ,then set them to large by all means, but speakers who are capable to play deep clean flat down to 20-30hz are very few and usually very expensive,


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