Sensitivity Ratings?


Well-known member
May 2, 2009
Hi All

Could anyone explain to me the sensitivity ratings on speakers? I'm trying to narrow down speakers to audition for my Arcam solo mini. I know the mini has only 2 x 25W but i'm not sure what to look for in speakers that will work best with less power.

Many thanks



In its simplest terms (although not technically correct), sensitivity refers to the volume of sound produced for a given power input. So, a speaker with a sensitivity of 87db will produce less volume for a given power input than a speaker with a sensitivity of 90db. Sensitivity specs are usually quoted as sound pressure level (spl) or volume produced when a speaker is supplied with 1 watt of power at a given frequency (usually 1Khz) , this is measured at 1 meter from the speaker.

Amyl Right Mate

New member
Jul 14, 2009
raym87:In its simplest terms (although not technically correct), sensitivity refers to the volume of sound produced for a given power input. So, a speaker with a sensitivity of 87db will produce less volume for a given power input than a speaker with a sensitivity of 90db. Sensitivity specs are usually quoted as sound pressure level (spl) or volume produced when a speaker is supplied with 1 watt of power at a given frequency (usually 1Khz) , this is measured at 1 meter from the speaker.

Where do ohms come into that then..? Never quite sure of that.


Hi Ed,

Please don't think that I think my response to your query is conclusive. I hope it gives more info to help you make a more informed decision about your speaker purchase. I'm sure others will take on your question in a slightly different way or give you a straight recommendation. I can't do that as I've not listened to much Arcam gear or ever heard the Solo products.

Speaker sensitivity (sometimes also called efficiency) is expressed as a figure in decibels (decibels are the unit measure of sound pressure, and is written as "dbs"). The rating is usually determined through a test in controlled conditions. The dbs rating is typically based on what sound level is measured 1M away from the speaker with 1 watt of power. Impedance/resistance (measured in ohm) is also a factor, but for simplicity's sake I will just say that you should stick with 8ohm designs.

A good general rule is that that small speakers will have lower sensitivity than larger speakers, and will therefore need more amp power to create the same/similar sound pressure. Take a small speaker like a Wharfdale Diamond 9.1, or a Quad 11L2, and you are looking at 85dbs to 87dbs. Take a big floorstander and you're more likely to get something in the range of 88 - 92dbs.

If you find a loudspeaker with a 15 inch woofer, it is likely that it will be highly sensitive. If you look at a standmount with a 4 inch mid/woofer, then it is likely to be insensitive. However, if you look at a floorstanding speaker with multiple 4 inchers, then the sensitivity is likely to go up, and the additional woofers help make the loudspeaker easier to drive.

I would say that if you have a small room (less than 4X4M), the vast majority of good standmount hi-fi speakers available today will be perfectly usable with your Solo Mini. I think it's fair to say that anything rated from 86dbs up will be OK for average/low level listening in small rooms. If your room is larger and/or you like it loud and bassy, then I seriously suggest you look for a floorstanding model with 89dbs + sensitivity, or a more unusual high-efficiency design standmount.

I am deliberately simplifying here, but a good thing to keep in mind is that heavy rock, dance and anything with a heavy bass will require more of your system. If you like to listen loud and/or highly price bass, then I think you should consider using higher sensitivity speakers, or add a subwoofer to your system.

Tannoy, Monitor Audio and Acoustic Energy are British brands I associate with better than average sensitivity. Tannoy actually have some super-high efficiency models, but definitely towards the "funny money" end of the spectrum!

French brand Focal make classy, technically brilliant and very efficient loudspeakers. They do have a tendency to overstate their sensitivity ratings though (according to several tests I've read).

The American brand Klipsch make very sensitive loudspeakers. For full disclosure, I am a long-term Klipsch fan and I own the RB-81's that are accurately rated at 97dbs... they go LOUD with 5 watts of valve amp (and I have them connected to 120 watt Roksan!). The trade-off with Klipsch is that their horn tweeters *can* sound biting and bright in the wrong room/system, and
they look bloody ugly!

Final and ultimate word of advice - a home trial is the best way to find out if a speaker
is going to work for you. Second best would be to take along your Solo unit to a dealer to try in their demo room. Good luck, and enjoy the music!


New member
Jun 29, 2009
Hi, in this case, ohms dont really come in to it all. As said before, the sensitivity is a measure of the sound pressure level for 1W of input power at 1 meter. The impedance of the speaker (the ohms) will define what voltage the amp has to drive in to the speakers to deliver 1W.

Power = (VxV)/R where r is impedance in ohms, just as Power = (I x I)/R

Whatever impedance the speakers are, 1W is 1W. Usually, lower impedances are harder to drive, requiring more current for a given power but the advantage is that lower impedances require lower voltages for a giver power. This is why if you look at the spec for your amp, they will often specify that your amp can deliver more power to a lower impedance speaker.

That was supposed to make it clear but I suspect I have failed!!


Well-known member
May 2, 2009
Symbolicexchange & Andy Mcghee you have both made sense to me! Many thanks for replying and taking the time to give such detailed answers, its much appreciated.

Thanks again



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