Sennheiser HD 380 Pro Collapsible High end or Beyerdynamic DT770 PRO Headset - 80 OHM


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Nov 26, 2013
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Looking for some feedback and peoples thoughts on which of the above headphones I should go for?

I've narrowed down my search to these two, but can't decide which are better. The intended use is mainly for home to use with my iPhone and Macbook Pro for listening to music and watching movies. They both seem pretty similar in the way of price and how good they are and I think I'm swaying towards the Sennheiser's but just wants to hear peoples though before I go ahead and make a purchase.

Thanks in advance!


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Dec 7, 2011
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I had the DT770 Pro which I thought were OK hi-fi, but the mids had a hollow sound and the highs had a strong peak around 9 khz that I had to EQ. I ordered the HD 380 Pro for this week so will have the tech details and musical results in a couple days.


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Dec 7, 2011
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Edit: Duplicate. As I typed my reply the site here was accepting only one typed character every 5 seconds, which happens often, and leads to duplicates.


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Dec 7, 2011
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The HD-380 pro is excellent, but (caveat) the treble is quite recessed compared to Sennheiser's better headphones. I compared it to the Shure 1540 - a very similar headphone physically, but the Shure is $500 in the U.S. compared to less than $200 for the 380. Still, other than the 1540 has an edge in clarity and tonal quality, the 380 is a great hi-fi listen.
dalethorn said:
Edit: Duplicate. As I typed my reply the site here was accepting only one typed character every 5 seconds, which happens often, and leads to duplicates.

Are you replying from your iPad? When it happens to me, I double click the home button & delete the safari page. I then restart safari - the problem disappears.


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Nov 26, 2013
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dalethorn said:
The HD-380 pro is excellent, but (caveat) the treble is quite recessed compared to Sennheiser's better headphones. I compared it to the Shure 1540 - a very similar headphone physically, but the Shure is $500 in the U.S. compared to less than $200 for the 380. Still, other than the 1540 has an edge in clarity and tonal quality, the 380 is a great hi-fi listen.

Thanks for your responses Dale, really appreciate the feedback. I think you have just help make my mind up for me. I was swaying towards the Senn's anyway to be honest reading the reviews on them. They also look a lot more comfortable too. They are also cheaper than the Beyer's which is also a bonus.


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