Sennheiser Earphone Lifespan


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Jul 25, 2008
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Just had my third pair of Sennheisers give up on me in the space of two years. Seems to always start with a bit of distortion and vibration in one bud before stop working all together. Always brought direct from Amazon UK and currently have the MM70i

I have now emailed Amazon outlining thier obligation under the Sale of Goods act in order to get a refund/replacement. My question is what is the realistic lifespan of earphones these days, mainly with daily use? I know the long term solution is to buy a different make, but is this sort of expectancy the same with the likes of soundmagic etc...


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Apr 19, 2010
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TBH we very rarely see any issues with any Sennheiser earbuds. The only problems we sometime see are the wire breaking near the 3.5mm connector but that is generally after a few years use. If it was me I would not be speaking only with Amazon but contact Sennheiser too as I am sure they would be happy to listen and try and help out.


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