Second system based on used gear


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
I want to build up a reasonably competent second system, but it will have to be used semi-vintage gear. I'm all fired up over NAD again, and have been thinking of a 3130 or maybe a 370 based system. There's a fair few on the bay, including a nice 352, but it's a bit too much for what I had in mind. There's a 3155 on there that looks ripe for bridging, but which NAD power amp should I pair it (or the 3130) with?

I owned a 3130 from '86 until 2003 when I upgraded it to the 352 (via a week's brief ownership of an azur 640a). I want to get as much power as I can, since it's a large room and absolute noise levels are probably more important than the nth degree of fidelity, so a bridged mono pair of NADs seems to be obvious direction.

Speaker choice is easy, B&W 602S2 or even 3

CDP am now completely unsure, other than it won't be anything from Cambridge Audio. Any ideas? Budget is £200 absolute maximum, nearer £100 is ideal!

the record spot

Try and lay hands on a Marantz CD52 Mk II Special Edition. Got mine for about £30 in near mint nick (I was amazed - it looked barely out of the box) and it's a terrific performer. I'd forgotten how good this player was. £300 in its day I think, should be a good match with the B&Ws and the NAD. You should be able to get one for under £75 easily enough.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2011
I've just ended mine, NAD 3020i bought on ebay for 40£ and Monitor Audio RS1 (that arrived today) also bought on ebay for 100£.

after my Rega BrioR arrives this system will be moved to the bedroom, along side with another SBT. Simple, cheap and listening At this precise moment on the living room.

It sounds great! :cheers:


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
Good call RS with the Marantz, they are the obvious choice from that era!

Outlaw, how much did you pay for the NAD? I auditioned the 3020 when I bought the 3130 but it was a long time ago, and cannot remember the differences between the two.


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
Hi-FiOutlaw said:
It's posted, i've paid for my NAD 3020i 40£ on ebay. And very well preserved, i've got luky...

:oops: M u s t r e a d m o r e s l o w l y

What is the ranking of CD63 v CD67 vs the MkII of each? I' guessing the Ishiwata version are the best, but they are out of my budget.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
Think you should be able to pick up a 63 MkII Ki Sig within budget - mine cost me about £100 or so about a year ago, certainly no more than £140, can't quite remember.

Not sure of the rankings!


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