Second sub findings!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I haven't been totally happy with my setup. It is in quite a big room and the subwoofer just never had a presence. I could turn up the sub on the amp and subwoofer but it made it more obvious where it was placed in the room. So I just got a second, matching (monitor audio RSW12) subwoofer and what a revelation! Anyone who has a large room should consider it, makes the speakers intergrate much better!
Totally agree with you JTD, ive been using two subs for years ! Wouldnt have it any other way & for folk that have NEVER tried using two are missing out on so much, its not just about "double" the bass power but more presence, accuracy & like you say better speaker intergration.

Enjoy mate....
Trefor Patten:That's inTEGration!!Woo Hoo ! we have a speller in the class, im so glad you corrected me on this spelling mustake as if you didnt no one would have known what it said or meant.

Thanks... Oh & spot the 2nd mistake... mmmm?
I do'nt see a spelling mistake? 😉

I'll put some pictures of the subwoofers in my setup on here tomorrow! Need to pick up my jaw now.........
I agree with using at least 2 subs also - there aren't as many dead spots in the listening room. You only have to switch one off and walk around the room to hear the difference.

Some owners have their subs stacked, which although gives an increased bass output, doesn't address the dead spot problem.

Some people also think it's overkill - but I disagree. It's not about louder bass, just more even bass. 🙂
I use two subs too and it's made a big improvement!


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