saving for a dac-magic but this will do


New member
Feb 19, 2009
with major help of all the forum users i now know how to get spotify through my main hifi to the best SQ possible. But to get me by i have just connected a hdmi from my laptop to my home cinema amp and it sounds ok. If you run a test(wild wood, paul weller) with the cd player it gets its *** kicked bottom end very slow and quite, very thin sounding could be no depth not sure how to explain this sound i guess almost trapped in the speakers. But if like me you are getting bored with your cds and cant get £200 plus for a dac magic it is good for testing albums before you buy , back ground music while having dinner ect. Im not sure how you would connect if you have an older laptop.
It was a response with regards the desire for a DAC solution, but the lack of a budget for a DACmagic. I did not know you could connect a laptop to AV amp using an HDMI cable.
i was not aware untill i tried it and the dac in the denon 1909 did ok, you do need a fairly modern laptop with a hdmi out port which my accer aspire 7540 has. Like i said somewhere it sounds very poor if you put it into a head to head race with my cd harddrive player but if you have a few people around as back ground music its pretty good and with spotify you can do whatever song they want i have also found that my amp has a restorer mode which has made it slighty better.


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