Samsung UE40B7000


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Purchased the above Samsung LED TV on Sat, first impressions, spectacular..

After a day of playing with the settings and watching a few Blu ray disc's found the dreaded back lighting issue happening all over the screen. Gutted.

The other thing which was strange is the 100hz options, I could not find a setting which did not have problems.

I understand that this is a fairly new technology but honestly you would have thougth that a LED TV costing £1600 would not have these flaws.

Not sure if any 1 else has had these issues, or I'm just being a purist.

Rant over.
the only reason for me to go to a led screen would be to save energy.I would go for the b650 instead.the 100hz I dont like it so much.on the sony is so much better. on the samgung I find i lose the plot in fast scenes.with the sony is much more natural.
craigybaby:After a day of playing with the settings and watching a few Blu ray disc's found the dreaded back lighting issue happening all over the screen. Gutted.

How does this backlight issue manifest itself? We've looked at the 7000 and the 7020 version, and found them both to be black and even when idling, with nicely controlled, punchy contrasts when showing images...

I understand that this is a fairly new technology but honestly you would have thougth that a LED TV costing £1600 would not have these flaws.

Well it is not really a new technology it is simply a typical LCD panel which uses LED stips for the backlight as opposed to a traditional flouresent tube system. IMHO Samsung are being a bit naughty buy marketing these TVs as LED TVs.

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did not see this issue through the day but in a darkened room it was highly visible in dark and light areas.

the size of the problem was quite staggering. it started at top right then diagonally travelled to middle and bottom of screen both sides. and a little all around the edge of frame

The issue was constantly there in idle mode with no sources, it was also apparent with all input sources.

The biggest issue I found was taking it back to currys. OMG. As they could not see the issue I had great dificulty in explaining the problem, I even got them to take it to a completley dark part of the store so they could see the issue, but still no luck and an hour later they agreed to a gesture of good will and said I could have a replacement, which then I chose a panasonic plasma G10 42 for £200 less woohoo.

I will now only buy plasma for future purchases.

I will now only buy plasma for future purchases.

Purchased the above Samsung LED TV on Sat, first impressions, spectacular..

After a day of playing with the settings and watching a few Blu ray disc's found the dreaded back lighting issue happening all over the screen. Gutted.

The other thing which was strange is the 100hz options, I could not find a setting which did not have problems.

I understand that this is a fairly new technology but honestly you would have thougth that a LED TV costing £1600 would not have these flaws.

Not sure if any 1 else has had these issues, or I'm just being a purist.

Rant over.
i seen one today in a shop in ireland , d.i.d, electrical in waterford , 1099euros , i couldnt believe it was so cheap ... thats about £900 ... careful where you buy ...£1600 ouch...
... I will now only buy plasma for future purchases.

A very odd quote. You are judging a technology on the basis of one set ...

I've fiddled with a few of 7020's (and 7000's) in relatively dark showrooms and haven't seen any backlight issues. Perhaps it was a dud.

If you don't like the picture, fair enough, I won't argue but even plasmas have their issues, G10 included ...

I understand that this is a fairly new technology but honestly you would have thougth that a LED TV costing £1600 would not have these flaws.

Well it is not really a new technology it is simply a typical LCD panel which uses LED stips for the backlight as opposed to a traditional flouresent tube system. IMHO Samsung are being a bit naughty buy marketing these TVs as LED TVs.

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Really, so what would you call it?

I understand that this is a fairly new technology but honestly you would have thougth that a LED TV costing £1600 would not have these flaws.

Well it is not really a new technology it is simply a typical LCD panel which uses LED stips for the backlight as opposed to a traditional flouresent tube system. IMHO Samsung are being a bit naughty buy marketing these TVs as LED TVs.

More about this in THIS THREAD

Really, so what would you call it?

I would call it exactly what it is a LED BACKLIT LCD TV. The TV is not a LED tv as the panel is not made up of loads of tiny little LEDs that produce a picture, it is simply a LCD panel that uses LED lighting at either side of the panel.

This TV is a LCD plain and simple no matter how the panel is backlit, so if hypothetically they were to uses lasers to backlight a LCD panel would that inturn be a Laser TV? I think not!

A LCD is a LCD as a Plasma is a Plasma.


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