Samsung LE40B650 vs. Samsung UE40B7020


New member
Aug 10, 2019

My old CRT went to TV heaven last night during match of the day and I'm looking to replace it with a 37-40inch. I like the look of the samsung models and their functionality. However I'm torn between which of the new models to go with, LED or not LED so as to speak.

My location means that testing them as fully as I'd like is not an option if I want to get something quickly online - I do!!! That said I have had a look at both these TVs in passing through John Lewis's a few weeks back and the picture from the UE40B7020 was far superior although it was fed HDMI whereas the LE40B650 so it was probably not a fair comparison...

Has anyone out there done a direct comparison of these screens and if so what are you're thoughts as though the slimline version is impressive I'm not planning to wall mount it and would want a step up in picture for the extra money - sound isn't a priority for me!

Have seen the reviews of the LED screens in the mag as well as the new review of the 32 inch B650, but would appreciate some other thoughts about how these models compare head to head.

Thanks in advance for your help!
I have seen these two sets next to each other in comets, they were fed direct HD sources [Blu-ray player]via HDMI and both looked very good the 650 comes in different flavours one model for comets the 650 i think and comes in a platimum finnish and another model, same set though and comes with a rose colour finish and these are for currys/dixons, however i think it will come down to cosmetics the 7020 is super slim and does look the part, the 650 is deeper and has the curve at the bottom, and this looks better in my opinion, i have to say the 650 did look slightly sharper, but as i say they both looked stunning, also the 7020 comes with widget and online facilitys, i think the 650 does as well but not as indepth as the 7020, so i think it will come down to which one you like the look of, if you can try to go back and take a Blu-ray with you not a animated one and ask them to play it for you, i did as they had a player there any way so this was not a problem, also remember that you will pay more for the 7020 due to its slim design where as the 650 is a little cheaper. Hope this helps a little.

That you thought they both looked stunning in action when set up properly is the key thing for me! When I originally saw the 2 of them they were pretty much side by side and the 7020 was much better, although it was connected using HDMI lead.

Thanks for your help, much appreciated!
if the 7020 was being fed hd next to the 650 being fed sd then there should be no comparism , id bet there wouldnt be much between them if they had the same source , the 650 is quite a bit cheaper from what i can see online , the 7020 looks beautiful though , and has really deep blacks due to the led backlight , its the one to go for imo if u can afford it , though i dont think youd be dissapointed with the cheaper one its got great reviews , and from what ive read neither sets suffer too much from clouding ( ala sony ) ....
Hmm, according to one in-depth review the 7020 although very good does have Mild clouding and backlight bleeding * - so it's not just a Sony problem, although it may be worse with Sony (or at least Sony seem to attract more complaints!).

* minimised after calibrating, much like Sony really
whfi,s test w4500s had absolutely no bleeding or clouding , as they reported , i guess that set a precedent .. if you bought one , and it had any clouding or bleed , you could argue it was faulty , now their test w5500 had clouding , but they said they didnt think it was faulty , lol , yet other reviewers that penalised the w4500 for problems whfi sets didnt have , have given top marks for the w5500 ... i think im getting foncused now im gonna watch sweeney todd blueray on my plasma , as dark as you get and not a cloud in sight


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