Russell K speakers - Oh. My. God!

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Vladimir said:
Dave forget about it. Me and my silly ideas, not worth the bother really.

You do realise that you are depriving me of a substantial chunk of my 'full half hour'?

Some weeks ago while on holiday we were out late at a music 'event', we arrived back in our hotel in the not so early hours to find it pretty much deserted except for 3 very drunk guys, sitting in an otherwise empty and dark bar, talking complete gibberish to each other with the exaggerated politeness of people who have only recently met. Quite hilarious.

I have been at the Tequilla flavoured beer and thought we could emulate them.
I like boutique.

My main system of valve amplifier and ribbon hybrid speakers are undoubtably 'boutique', works for me.
davedotco said:
I like boutique.

My main system of valve amplifier and ribbon hybrid speakers are undoubtably 'boutique', works for me.

Which is a good thing
I can only voice my opinion, but then, I like the Kef sound, so probably not surprising that these didn't 'work' for me.
And I pushed a wheel barrow with rocks and sand for 3 days in the mud and need to get up at 7am to move furniture for new windows and doors to get installed. I'm too tired to tape firecrackers on pigeons legs and send them to fight your squadron of messerschmitts, because you pulled rank Dave. That's instant game over. Off to peel potatoes Vlad, at least is restful...



Freddy is awesome!
By way of a mini review, FWIW. I took along some CD's that I was familiar with. Roy Harper - Flat Baroque And Berserk. These speakers sounded great, good clarity and lifelike. Based on this alone, superb. Next, Chicago - 'Chicago Transit Authority'. To me, they fell apart. The sound was quite muddled, and the bassline almost became irritating, not good. Lastly, 'Time Warp' which in my view is a great test of a speakers ability to go low (rumble), there was nothing. Of course, only my opinion, and I didn't demo at home. I would urge others to try them though, because as I said, they are different.
Vladimir said:
And I pushed a wheel barrow with rocks and sand for 3 days in the mud and need to get up at 7am to move furniture for new windows and doors to get installed. I'm too tired to tape firecrackers on pigeons legs and send them to fight your squadron of messerschmitts, because you pulled rank Dave. That's instant game over. Off to peel potatoes Vlad, at least is restful...


Freddy is awesome!

Apologies then Vlad, it was only 'back chat'.

Though I am somewhat concerned that you might feel I was 'pulling rank', not quite sure what you mean by that but if I come across as as bullying or hectoring, then again I offer my apologies.
Freddy58 said:
By way of a mini review, FWIW. I took along some CD's that I was familiar with. Roy Harper - Flat Baroque And Berserk. These speakers sounded great, good clarity and lifelike. Based on this alone, superb. Next, Chicago - 'Chicago Transit Authority'. To me, they fell apart. The sound was quite muddled, and the bassline almost became irritating, not good. Lastly, 'Time Warp' which in my view is a great test of a speakers ability to go low (rumble), there was nothing. Of course, only my opinion, and I didn't demo at home. I would urge others to try them though, because as I said, they are different.

Hi Freddy,

Did you hear the Red 100s, or their smaller brothers (I think they're called the '50s', smaller, sealed)? I saw these at my dealer's too, but didn't get to hear them. No trace of them on the Russell K website, which is a little weird, innit?

Anyway, I liked them, you didn't, but we both urge people to give them a try 🙂. Are they readily available for demo in the UK (being a British brand an'all)?
DocG said:
Freddy58 said:
By way of a mini review, FWIW. I took along some CD's that I was familiar with. Roy Harper - Flat Baroque And Berserk. These speakers sounded great, good clarity and lifelike. Based on this alone, superb. Next, Chicago - 'Chicago Transit Authority'. To me, they fell apart. The sound was quite muddled, and the bassline almost became irritating, not good. Lastly, 'Time Warp' which in my view is a great test of a speakers ability to go low (rumble), there was nothing. Of course, only my opinion, and I didn't demo at home. I would urge others to try them though, because as I said, they are different.

Hi Freddy,

Did you hear the Red 100s, or their smaller brothers (I think they're called the '50s', smaller, sealed)? I saw these at my dealer's too, but didn't get to hear them. No trace of them on the Russell K website, which is a little weird, innit?

Anyway, I liked them, you didn't, but we both urge people to give them a try 🙂. Are they readily available for demo in the UK (being a British brand an'all)?

Hiya Doc.

Yes, they were the Red 100's, around £1,500 I think? As I live in Bristol, they are built not far from me. I heard them in the Bristol branch of Sevenoaks, who gave me pretty good service. These speakers were suggested by one of the staff who was very keen on them. He was quite surprised when I rejected them. I would imagine they aren't widely available for demo, which is a shame, as they are distinctive, at least.

Freddy58 said:
Vladimir said:

Freddy is awesome!

Shucks Vlad, you're so sweet, you're now my favourite *biggrin*

I was just going to say that ........................ what? no I wasn't, what I was going to enquire was do they still have them in Sevenoaks Bristol because if they do I may just pop over and have an audition myself out of curiosity.

If they are marketed at £1500 they are up against some serious 'conventional' designs so they had better be very good.
Al ears said:
I was just going to say that ........................ what? no I wasn't, what I was going to enquire was do they still have them in Sevenoaks Bristol because if they do I may just pop over and have an audition myself out of curiosity.

If they are marketed at £1500 they are up against some serious 'conventional' designs so they had better be very good.

Hiya Al.

I would imagine they still have them as it was maybe two months ago I was there. Probably best to phone first? Don't bother looking at their website as they aren't listed, or weren't.
No worries, just pulling your leg there D.

Meanwhile, my dog tripped on the cords and crashed my laptop on the concrete floor. Got the BSOD on Saturday, permanently. Waiting for a new laptop to arrive this week.

Is Russell K. skilful in witchcraft?
Vladimir said:
No worries, just pulling your leg there D.

Meanwhile, my dog tripped on the cords and crashed my laptop on the concrete floor. Got the BSOD on Saturday, permanently. Waiting for a new laptop to arrive this week.

Is Russell K. skilful in witchcraft?

No, that's me, born on All Hallows Eve.......*diablo*
Yes, I think 'transient response' is the technical term. I'm talking about plucked strings, a slapped bass guitar, a rimshot on the snaredrum, you get the idea. So yes: fast!
DocG said:
Yes, I think 'transient response' is the technical term. I'm talking about plucked strings, a slapped bass guitar, a rimshot on the snaredrum, you get the idea. So yes: fast!

So speakers that reproduce the recorded sound? Mmm! Weird that you would think of buying any that didn't!

Still I'm pleased to know I own "fast" speakers. I prefer not to talk b***s**t myself but feel free.

Covenanter said:
DocG said:
Yes, I think 'transient response' is the technical term. I'm talking about plucked strings, a slapped bass guitar, a rimshot on the snaredrum, you get the idea. So yes: fast!

So speakers that reproduce the recorded sound? Mmm! Weird that you would think of buying any that didn't!

Still I'm pleased to know I own "fast" speakers. I prefer not to talk b***s**t myself but feel free.


What's with the aggressive tone?
Covenanter said:
DocG said:
Yes, I think 'transient response' is the technical term. I'm talking about plucked strings, a slapped bass guitar, a rimshot on the snaredrum, you get the idea. So yes: fast!

So speakers that reproduce the recorded sound? Mmm! Weird that you would think of buying any that didn't!

Still I'm pleased to know I own "fast" speakers. I prefer not to talk b***s**t myself but feel free.


'Reproduce the recorded sound', yes, that's an even better description! I'll use that the next time I feel like contributing something to this forum!

Oh, and what is 'b***s**t'? Feel free to write what you want, the swearfilter doesn't work anyway!
Russell K's Red 100s are standmounted, frontported two-way passive speakers. They reproduce the recorded sound. You can have them with a red baffle if you want to go crazy!

Highly recommended!
Covenanter said:
DocG said:
Yes, I think 'transient response' is the technical term. I'm talking about plucked strings, a slapped bass guitar, a rimshot on the snaredrum, you get the idea. So yes: fast!

So speakers that reproduce the recorded sound? Mmm! Weird that you would think of buying any that didn't!

Still I'm pleased to know I own "fast" speakers. I prefer not to talk b***s**t myself but feel free.


Chris, I’m sure you could google ‘transient response’ if you wanted to.

A speaker cone moves in response to the signal being fed to it. Sometimes there’s a rapid change in the equilibrium of the signal, for instance in music that has lots of attack (e.g. percussive instruments, as mentioned by DocG). This is hard for cone speakers to reproduce, since cones have mass and therefore inertia. The speed with which the cone reacts is its transient response. Different speakers have different transient response times because they’re made differently, e.g. cones made of low-mass material will tend to have a faster TR, and electrostatics (with transducers made from extremely low-mass film) have much faster TR than cone speakers.

So yes, some speakers are literally faster than others.



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