Russ Andrews TouchPak for Logitech Touch


New member
Dec 16, 2003
I've read on other forums that the general consensus is that changing the power supply on the Touch makes little if any difference but with the Russ Andrews 60 day home trial I thought it was worth the P&P to at least give this a try.

I'll be using it with a Clearer Audio Copper-Line Alpha mains cable I had already be using for my old CDP.

Rather than try and do a comparison 'out of the box' I thought I would use the TouchPak for at least 3-4 weeks then switch back to the Logitech power supply to compare so I'll update this post then.

Would be interested to hear from anyone who has tried this or other after market power supplies for their Touch, particularly the Teddy Pardo TTouch.
3 weeks has passed so I tried reverting back to the original Logitech PSU and to my ears there is absolutely no discernible difference so the Russ Andrews TouchPak is going back

Curiosity satisfied!
Hi. This is my experience: I have a SB duet and a Naim CD5 as sources. Amp is a Naim pre/power combo and speakers are Naim Arivas.

I recently built a DIY linear PSU to replace the standard duet PSU.


Before upgrade: A CD burnt from FLAC files in my computer and played with the CD5 was way much better than the same file directly streamed thru the Duet. There was more energy, clarity, and liveliness.

After upgrade: the gap between both sources was clearly smaller, the Duet coming much closer to the CD5. I believe an external DAC (which will most probably be a future upgrade) could make my CD spinner redunant...

Russ Andrews PSUs are switched type. Linear PSUs make a difference in my opinion. Cost/Benefit analysis is totally up to personal tastes / budgets.



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