I understand your enthusiasm matengawhat, but it is a shame you made so many upgrades at the one time as the feedback as you progressed from one to another would have made a great post. Could you change eveything back except the filled stands and start again and give us your thoughts? I totally understand if you are not wanting to, I am sure it would be a pain.
P.S - I see you have a load of MF kit. I too have upgradeitis and some spare cash, so my Musical Fidelity amp is now in Caithness having it's innards upgraded by Rock Grotto. I also have a Russ Andrews PSU (the one for the DACmagic) on order as it also works with some MF kit. But the upgraded amp will be tried first with the original PSU, before the RA one is introduced. I shall be reporting back with my findings, whether anyone on the forum is interested or not!