Rotel RB-1552, Rotel RB 1562 or Rega Brio-R??


New member
Aug 10, 2019
HELP!! I am going nuts! I want to upgrade my system and add an amp. I have Pioneer Elite VSX-33, B&W CM5, Sonos ZP90 and PSaudio DAC. I am very happy with all except the Pioneer Elite... I want to use that for movies only and use it either as pre amp with a new power amp or just replace it and make a new stereo set with the CM5's. The options I came to are: Rotel RB-1552 or 1562 Rega Brio-R (i like the reviews and size.. wife doesnt like Big Electronics...) Thanks a bunch!! Raymond
If it were me I would buy the Rega Brio R which is exactly what I did myself.

Great amp great sound.
Ordered The Brio rega r, but the "Rega shiping" got delayed where I live so the reseller cant send it to me until two weeks from now, Really hope its worth the time and money :boohoo:
Zax, what happened with your Yamaha as500?

From your was Yamaha sound quality?

Defintely the Rega. When I auditioned my Rega DAC I also took the chance to listen to the Brio R, and I was simply amazed (which I already was with their DAC) with this small amp. It sounded awesome!

As a previous 'have-never-ever-heard-anything-on-rega' dude I was... amazed. Now really thinking of dumbing my Marantz Amp in favour of the Brio R.
monitor audio bx2 I used can easily get hardened and yamaha a-s500 wont soft it when its a "bright" amplifier, in the price-range the pure sound in music like vocals, life like naturality its really medium milk, But it will performe dynamics, details and exitements, here it shows up pretty rythmical and the seperation is good.

My opinion was really splitted, in movie soundtracks from like The island, Batman begins/the dark knight that id tested critical, it sounds impressive. But in music it sounds rare good much becouse of the harshness/clinical sound. If the yamaha as500 is partnered with softer speakers and placed in a bigger room it will sound better in music.

Compared to my grandmas 70´s JVC that id borrow it yes lacks the dynamic, details, exitements, rythmical, seperation and openess but sounded better in rest areas, vocals sounded much better, it bring more life like softer music and actually really marked a deeper bass, with dynavoice challanger m-65ex loudspeakers the yamaha seemed to fit better, much more bass maybe little better tone balance.

If you want a 2-channel cinema amplifier i would say go for the yamaha s-500 but not so i wouldnt recommend it /Zax
spockfish said:
Defintely the Rega. When I auditioned my Rega DAC I also took the chance to listen to the Brio R, and I was simply amazed (which I already was with their DAC) with this small amp. It sounded awesome!

As a previous 'have-never-ever-heard-anything-on-rega' dude I was... amazed. Now really thinking of dumbing my Marantz Amp in favour of the Brio R.

Hi spockfish

As i've said all along the Brio R is a real joy to listen to :grin:

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
This actually answered my downside, thank you!
Satellite Direct lent Auto Mass Traffic plainness
Hi, Rick.
Can you tell me its a good idea because the Rega DAC and Rega Brio amp partner each other, or simply that you rate the Rega Brio Amp.

This is because I have heard the Rega DAC in comparison to Audiolab 8200CD DAC.
And there is huge difference in bass particulary.
Although thats not Im looking for, I found that the Rega DAC has more warmth, and not as much presence as the Audiolab.

Do Rotel amps all have that signature sound about them.
Ive never heard a Rotel amp, can you describe what sort of sound it produces.
Furthermore, can you provide some sort of scale for differing properties of sound, and then place Rotel amps in there. Something like this would be much appreciated.

Do Marantz amps all have that signiture about them.
I personally dont favour the marantz sound (especially on cheaper products).
I find that marantz is a good idea for lets say an all in one system, by providing energy, clarity into music. It can seem artificial though.

I'm currently in the process I putting together my sound system. I'm quite new to all of it and have brought a rega rp3 with a nagaoka mp-110 cartridge and also purchased some b&w 685's speakers. But I am stumped as which way to turn for an amp, I'm after a warm sound and the two I've been looking at are the rega-brio r or a rotel ra12. I would really appreciate any help.
stevebrock said:
I had a Brio R, lovely amp......Got an Elicit R now its better......hell ova lot better

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Personally I would consider cyrus too. There are some fantastic deals and sound is very nice. Go above the entry series for more power and the option of fitting a PSX-R which is very worthwile but not necessary initially.

The sound is not 'bright' or harsh as often quoted but has good timbre, is transparent, coherent and very fast.

drummerman said:
stevebrock said:
I had a Brio R, lovely amp......Got an Elicit R now its better......hell ova lot better

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Personally I would consider cyrus too. There are some fantastic deals and sound is very nice. Go above the entry series for more power and the option of fitting a PSX-R which is very worthwile but not necessary initially.

The sound is not 'bright' or harsh as often quoted but has good timbre, is transparent, coherent and very fast.


I have heard a Cyrus 6 & 8 and they were definately not bright or harsh!

I think the Cyrus 6 will give the Brio R a good run for the money if you can find a cheap/used one


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