Rotel RA-04 SE or Yamaha A-S500 to run B&W 685s?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm having a hard time deciding which amp to go for. I'm trying to build my system around the B&W 685s. I've narrowed it down to two amps the Rotel RA-04 SE or Yamaha A-S500. Any suggestions?


Hi Tim

I would highly recommend the A-S500 as it is excellent. Over the last few weeks some of my clients have compared the A-S500 to other amplifiers such as the PM6003, RA-04SE and C326BEE with various sources and speakers (including 685's). On every occasion the A-S500 was chosen.

The A-S500 is well built, finished, powerful and featured (iPod/iPhone can be used via YDS-12 or YID-W10). I feel the A-S500 excudes class.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
@ MUSICRAFT, i have the following question

Would de A-S500 be an upgrade over my YAMAHA RX-497 driving my KEF Q5?
Hi Tim

I would highly recommend the A-S500 as it is excellent. Over the last few weeks some of my clients have compared the A-S500 to other amplifiers such as the PM6003, RA-04SE and C326BEE with various sources and speakers (including 685's). On every occasion the A-S500 was chosen.

The A-S500 is well built, finished, powerful and featured (iPod/iPhone can be used via YDS-12 or YID-W10). I feel the A-S500 excudes class.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Well we did that exact showdown for a customer last Saturday as we have them all on demo, and he chose the Rotel. Funny, maybe it's a regional thing.

To the OP, please do get a listen for yourself. You need an amplifier that can deal with a speaker that can occasionally drop to 4ohms, can keep the strong B&W bass in check, and keep them from sounding muddled.

If the amp is doing the job properly, the B&W's can sound dull, muddled, with a monotonous bass lacking kick and punch. Listen out for these negative qualities - if you can't hear them, the amp is working well with them.
Depends on the sensitivity of the speaker really (as to whether more power is needed). The higher the rating, the less powerful amp you can use to drive them. More power (and a good current delivery) can be a big help though, but it's not as straightforward as "more watts = better sound".
Is the rotel 04SE with its 40watts fully capable of handling the 685s?
Or is more power recommended?

Obviously keeping within it's limits (as with all amplifiers) it'll handle the the 685's just fine. I find the Rotels to be the best at bringing the 600 series (all four series so far over the past 15 years or so) to life, where many amps just turn them into soft, warm sounding boxes.
Hello, I`m sorry if I disturb in this thread, I have a similar question: I have to tell I run BW 685 Marantz -PM 6003 and I am not fully confortable with this setup i feel it very dark with a very inexpressive midrange (I have reviewed wires, mains...). I m looking for a new amp I have to try the Rotel 04 and the Yamaha A-S500 and other to consider will be welcomed: Do you know how better is the Rotel over the Yamaha to handle the B&Ws 685 ? I want to improve my setup but for me the remote is a must .... Thank you very must for your help...
Hi spfrank

I feel the A-S500 is superior to the RA-04SE and will also address the performance issues with the 685's which you are curently experiencing with the PM6003. Other then the A-S500 the C326BEE from NAD is also worth considering.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Thank you very much for your Help Rick, I let you know about my experience and the final choice.

Kind Regards from Spain.
Rick - interested to know what you think of the Yamaha's phono stage (I think I read that it had one). One of the great things about my Rotel RA02 (study system) is the quality of the phono stage which I use with a DV10x5.
jerry klinger:Rick - interested to know what you think of the Yamaha's phono stage (I think I read that it had one). One of the great things about my Rotel RA02 (study system) is the quality of the phono stage which I use with a DV10x5.

Hi jerry klinger

One of my former clients who i sold a RA-01 amp and RCD-02 cd player to recently upgraded to the A-S500. A Project Debut turntable completes the electronics.

We put both amps through their paces with their respective CD inputs (using a RCD-02 and Chord Electronics QBD76 DAC) and phono stages (using Project Debut and Rega RP1). Regardless of inputs, sources and recordings the A-S500 simply showed its superiority in an instant. The RA-01's phono stage whilst good simply sounded veiled and soft by comparison to the A-S500's phono stage. The A-S500's phono stage is far more open, has a wider soundstage (no doubt helped by the symmetrical layout) and one (as with its line level stages) is pinned by a beautiful 'silk' like quality throughout the range. To be fair ultimately i don't feel the A-S500's phono stage is up to fully revealing the qualities the the Dynavector.

Leaving performance aside the A-S500's build, fit, finish, features, retro looks and Yamaha's known reliability excude confidence.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Thanks for the information Rick. Is there a matching CD player or other components from Yamaha? (I fondly remember a great tape deck from them that I owned in the 80s).
There's the CDS300, which I'll be using to test with the AS500 and various speaker combinations to see how good this AS500 really is, and how it compares directly to the equivalent Rotel amplifier...
I didn't get round to them unfortunately. Friday was mostly spent catching up on Thursday (day off), and sorting out some advertising and a competition. Saturday was just silly - non stop - other than getting online in the morning, I spent from midday until closing time in demos!

Not sure I'll be able to get a listen tomorrow, but I'll try my hardest. I also want to try out the new KEF Q's with the SCLX83 for copperhead....
On the subject of Kef,do you think the A-S500 would be a good match for my IQ5se?Dont think my current amp is doing them justice(Nad 315)
Sorry guys, can I just say while you're "discussing the merits" the Rotel this and the Yamaha that, my (not so) little old Sansui would kick the pants off the pair of them in a fight. Just thought I'd clear that up. Carry on!