Rotel a11 tribute vs naim nap 250, new vs vintage


Active member
Oct 13, 2022
Hello everyone,
I just bought a rotel a11 tribute and am very happy so far. I have an old unserviced Naim nac72 nap 250 setup and compared to the new crisp rotel, it is a little bit underwhelming. I have bookshelf speakers but plan on buying floorstandings eventually.
Would you sell the naim for cash for good floorstanding speakers or get the naim fully serviced and wait for floorstanding speakers ? In general, do you feel that a new engeneered rotel entry level could be up to the naim, which is a classic old design?
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I read this yesterday, but see it has gone unanswered so far. It’s not an easy one.

I think the answer is “it depends”! It depends what speakers you have, and ultimately switch to; the cost of an overhaul - considerable knowing Naim; your likely sources going forwards, etc.

The good news is used Naim seems to have a keen used price/market, especially if boxed and original. You might find a Naim dealer would give you a good PX price against an all in one streamer-amp for example. But you’ve got a very nice new Rotel amp, that will do fine with many speakers as long as you aren’t after rock stadium volumes in a large room.

I suggest you tell us a bit about your room size, music tastes, and other kit. And current speakers. Also, what budget for speakers?

Welcome to the forum.
I read this yesterday, but see it has gone unanswered so far. It’s not an easy one. I think the answer is “it depends”! It depends what speakers you have, and ultimately switch to; the cost of an overhaul - considerable knowing Naim; your likely sources going forwards, etc. The good news is used Naim seems to have a keen used price/market, especially if boxed and original. You might find a Naim dealer would give you a good PX price against an all in one streamer-amp for example. But you’ve got a very nice new Rotel amp, that will do fine with many speakers as long as you aren’t after rock stadium volumes in a large room. I suggest you tell us a bit about your room size, music tastes, and other kit. And current speakers. Also, what budget for speakers? Welcome to the forum.

Thank you for your reply.
Well, the story is this: I am moving in a new house and bought the rotel +Qacoustics 3020i for a setup in my kitchen. For the price, I expected something good, but i am really blown away by the result! So, much that I do a lot of comparision with my Naim (old, unserviced) and can't seem to justify the Naim? I wanted to keep the naim setup for my living room (30 square meter) but am considering the rotel instead (A+B speaker I could connect the living room and the kitchen) For now, I have Proac bookshelves speakers with the Naim ( Q acoustic are so much better, more bass, more treble, more snap/attack) but want to invest in decent floorstanding speakers for my living room in my new house. Right now, I am torn between selling the naim and having cash to invest in floorstandnings immediately ( will the rotel have enough power for them) or invest money in the naim, have them fully overhauled/serviced (will there be an incredible before/after difference in sound?) and wait to buy floorstanding speakers later.... what do you think?
If the OP keeps the Demented Naims, you'll have a lifetime of misery. Whenever it goes wrong, as they often do, you'll end up gnawing on the cats leg (or other domestic pet), it'll make you so skint you'll have to sell a kidney for 'Buy It Now' cut price. The need for ear defenders will be mandatory. In the end, the OP will join the nearest Monastry, growing herbs and will never be seen or heard again.

Or in other words, keep the Rotel.
If the OP keeps the Demented Naims, you'll have a lifetime of misery. Whenever it goes wrong, as they often do, you'll end up gnawing on the cats leg (or other domestic pet), it'll make you so skint you'll have to sell a kidney for 'Buy It Now' cut price. The need for ear defenders will be mandatory. In the end, the OP will join the nearest Monastry, growing herbs and will never be seen or heard again.

Or in other words, keep the Rotel.
Hi, I didn't understand everything 🙂
But, yes, i'll keep the Rotel anyway to power my Qacoustics in the Kitchen. The Naim works fine (have it since 5 years) but wonder if servicing will do miracles or not ( for now, comparing the rotel to naim, Rotel works just as fine, if not slightly better....)
Hi, I didn't understand everything 🙂
But, yes, i'll keep the Rotel anyway to power my Qacoustics in the Kitchen. The Naim works fine (have it since 5 years) but wonder if servicing will do miracles or not ( for now, comparing the rotel to naim, Rotel works just as fine, if not slightly better....)
I was making fun at Naim as they are horrendously expensive to service or repair. I know from personal experience of owning a CD5i. The mechanism went wrong, too expensive, so I reverted back to my trusted Arcam.

Naim are also too aggressive sounding for my ears, hence the reference for ear defenders and ending up growing herbs.

For future reference Rotel and Arcam are a very good match
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Thank you for your reply.
Well, the story is this: I am moving in a new house and bought the rotel +Qacoustics 3020i for a setup in my kitchen. For the price, I expected something good, but i am really blown away by the result! So, much that I do a lot of comparision with my Naim (old, unserviced) and can't seem to justify the Naim? I wanted to keep the naim setup for my living room (30 square meter) but am considering the rotel instead (A+B speaker I could connect the living room and the kitchen) For now, I have Proac bookshelves speakers with the Naim ( Q acoustic are so much better, more bass, more treble, more snap/attack) but want to invest in decent floorstanding speakers for my living room in my new house. Right now, I am torn between selling the naim and having cash to invest in floorstandnings immediately ( will the rotel have enough power for them) or invest money in the naim, have them fully overhauled/serviced (will there be an incredible before/after difference in sound?) and wait to buy floorstanding speakers later.... what do you think?
Firstly, I’m not surprised you like the Rotel + QA as the amp is decent and they’re great little speakers. I have a pair myself, and here’s a picture of them playing temporarily in my main system back in February.

Most of us would probably be quite happy with a larger pair of QA plus your Rotel for 90% of the time, but being audiophiles we seek something better!

How much do you reckon you might get for the Naim as is, and what floorstanders appeal to you? In my picture, you can see my ATCs which sound great but need a powerful amplifier. ATC suggest at least 75wpc. Floorstanding QA speakers are less demanding, but of course they are only one possibility.

Maybe get to hear some possible contenders and make a short list before deciding to sell the Naim. You need to get used to your new room too. If you chose Neat or Kudos or PMC speakers, a Naim might be an ideal partner. It depends!

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Firstly, I’m not surprised you like the Rotel + QA as the amp is decent and they’re great little speakers. I have a pair myself, and here’s a picture of them playing temporarily in my main system back in February.

Most of us would probably be quite happy with a larger pair of QA plus your Rotel for 90% of the time, but being audiophiles we seek something better!

How much do you reckon you might get for the Naim as is, and what floorstanders appeal to you? In my picture, you can see my ATCs which sound great but need a powerful amplifier. ATC suggest at least 75wpc. Floorstanding QA speakers are less demanding, but of course they are only one possibility.

Maybe get to hear some possible contenders and make a short list before deciding to sell the Naim. You need to get used to your new room too. If you chose Neat or Kudos or PMC speakers, a Naim might be an ideal partner. It depends!

You are correct about speaker matching with the Naim. But there's a big difference between a system that's technically good and one you can live with. I couldn't live with Naim stuff. For short bursts Naim is great, but for long sessions I'd avoid the brand like the plague
Firstly, I’m not surprised you like the Rotel + QA as the amp is decent and they’re great little speakers. I have a pair myself, and here’s a picture of them playing temporarily in my main system back in February.

Most of us would probably be quite happy with a larger pair of QA plus your Rotel for 90% of the time, but being audiophiles we seek something better!

How much do you reckon you might get for the Naim as is, and what floorstanders appeal to you? In my picture, you can see my ATCs which sound great but need a powerful amplifier. ATC suggest at least 75wpc. Floorstanding QA speakers are less demanding, but of course they are only one possibility.

Maybe get to hear some possible contenders and make a short list before deciding to sell the Naim. You need to get used to your new room too. If you chose Neat or Kudos or PMC speakers, a Naim might be an ideal partner. It depends!

A great setup you have here.
Well, I do not have a lot of experience with speaker brands, even less with floorstandings. But I guess, if I go with the rotel only, I should look for speakers with more sensitivity because the rotel only has 50w..
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You are correct about speaker matching with the Naim. But there's a big difference between a system that's technically good and one you can live with. I couldn't live with Naim stuff. For short bursts Naim is great, but for long sessions I'd avoid the brand like the plague
You don’t like Naim for sure 😅
A great setup you have here.
Well, I do not have a lot of experience with speaker brands, even less with floorstandings. But I guess, if I go with the rotel only, I should look for speakers with more sensitivity because the rotel only has 50w..
50 real watts with an excellent power supply section behind it. You really don't need anymore unless you have really insensitive speakers.
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A great setup you have here.
Well, I do not have a lot of experience with speaker brands, even less with floorstandings. But I guess, if I go with the rotel only, I should look for speakers with more sensitivity because the rotel only has 50w..
Most affordable floorstanders are 88dB or more sensitive, which should be fine.

Brands such as Dali, Acoustic Energy, Monitor Audio, Wharfedale and B&W all have several models from under £1,000 upwards. Not forgetting Q Acoustics where you already have some idea of the ‘flavour’ - typically rich, smooth and detailed but no harshness.
First of all, I would try to see how the Rotel handles the Proac speakers, tbh.

Also, on Naim, there's zero fatigue in my system, BUT my streaming pre-amp is more balanced then their classic pre-amps, and so are my speakers (silky smooth ribbon tweeters), so I understand how people don't like the "agressive" Naims, I'm not a big fan of those either.


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