Question Roksan K2 Integrated or Audiolab 8000S?


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2020
Trying to find a suitable replacement preamp. Under consideration are the Roksan K2 and Audiolab 8000S, both obsolete integrated with remote control. I favour a detailed and rich sound. I will be using with Harbeth P3ESR SE standmount speakers with Kimber Kable 4TC. I play both CD (Audiolab 8200CD) and Vinyl (Logic DM110 + Linn LVX arm). Currently using PS Audio pre-power (Trio series) and a vintage PS IVK phono stage. Read somewhere that the 8000S can sound 'thin'. The 8000S price is 56% of the Roksan K2. Has anyone have any experience of these two amps with the Harbeth speakers? Thanks for your input.
Can I ask why you're looking at integrated amplifiers to use as a preamp?
or did you want to replace both your old pre power combo with an integrated?
My preamp was repaired three times but the problem persists. I am thinking if any of the shortlisted amps could take over the preamp function with the PS power amp, and if not, then maybe I can use as an integrate and sell the PS power amp to recoup some cost. I also found a used Musical Fidelity X-80 integrate. Price is between the Audiolab and the Roksan. The MF X-80 supposedly sounds quite detailed and full bodied. Not much info available but there was a post about an unstable volume control via the remote; loud all the way or all the way to zero.
Not sure why you want to spend money on an amp with a power amp section you are not going to use. Can you not find a dedicated preamplifier for similar money?
other people's opinion on the sound of these amps is when listening to them used as an integrated amp and not simply using the preamp section so may not apply when used as such.
if you simply must use an integrated then make sure it has pre out sockets
I would never advocate using an integrated as a preamp, purely on a financial basis
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Would this Audiolab 8000Q be of interest, from a trusted dealer?

he doesn't mention where in the world he is so eBay UK may not be an option, however the item itself is, in fact just about any decent dedicated preamp would be.
Hi, thank you for the suggestions. Btw I'm from Singapore. Just considering what's currently available and of course the asking prices. There is a 8000Q and Adcom GTP-400 as well but unfortunately no more remotes. I am interested to find out how any of these preamps would sound with a PS Audio power (USA) .
It is unlikely many on this forum have PS Audio gear and if they do probably use a PS Audio preamp.
the power amp should do just that, amplify. Most of the sound quality will come from the preamp.
I cannot recall which, if any preamps come with a remote as these are normally the preserve of integrated amps.
Hi, thank you for the suggestions. Btw I'm from Singapore. Just considering what's currently available and of course the asking prices. There is a 8000Q and Adcom GTP-400 as well but unfortunately no more remotes. I am interested to find out how any of these preamps would sound with a PS Audio power (USA) .
I am beginning to think that Al was right to suggest looking for a good integrated amp, and trading the old power amp towards it. If you’ve a friendly secondhand dealer you can borrow and try from then fine. But otherwise you’re buying blind because your combination is unique.

If you ask on the Harbeth forum they’ll tell you that all amplifiers sound the same, so buy a Yamaha AS-801.
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