What if it was verified by a recognised independent laboratory that provided traceable data?be rest assured i would not buy one !
What if it was verified by a recognised independent laboratory that provided traceable data?be rest assured i would not buy one !
Probably unchanged, it's feasible that a cleaner power supply into the device can improve it's stability, but without traceable measurements, it's only subjective. If you asked me would I still hear the same effect, then maybe, maybe not. I've spent last 3+ years working amongst some capable scientists in the world of metrology, so I've learnt a lot about how poor humans are at quantifying things with their sensory systems only. That said, there is validity in the argument that if I can hear a difference, then there is a difference. After all, some famous historical figures have made their careers out of that rationale.
So, how many more embarrassing school photos are you going to dig out??
What if it was verified by a recognised independent laboratory that provided traceable data?
Have you read the various threads buried away on the sonic differences between digital interconnects?
Tbh I've almost gone full circle, back in the 80s people started claiming that tech specs were meaningless, and that your ears were all that mattered. That's kind of true, but because your brain is pretty poor at distinguishing between things consistently then measuring frequency response as a measure of tonality for example is absolutely relevant. Distortion measurements are relevant. What I've learnt mostly though is that in the real world living room most subjective reviews and lab measurements are only rough guides. DSP is the way forward, room correction will make more beneficial improvements than any number of upgrades, let alone dabbling with cables. The trueplay function in a sonos system transforms it, I've no doubt in an anechoic chamber the speakers would sound inferior to something more costly, but in my lounge they sound worryingly close to several ks worth of top notch separates. I've said elsewhere, if ATC ever made an active integrated streaming system then I'll sell everything to get it!
I'll lrav this with you a quote from the great Lord Kelvin:i have never owned a digital interconnect hence can not comment !
(i may check your thread on them though as i find reading the older threads more interesting for some reason !).
as i understand it there is not a measurement for every aspect of a hifi systems performance that we hear hence they are largely useless.
here is another thread i started:-
a measurement for all ?
quite simply are there measurements that can be made to depict every aspect / detail of sound reproduction that, we can identify as humans, by conducting a listening test of a hifi system ?forums.whathifi.com
atc actives with dsp plus no cables - i'm in too !
I'll lrav this with you a quote from the great Lord Kelvin:
"When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory."
I've learnt that he is right certainly when it comes to scientific analysis (and therefore comparison of data). I'm confident we can measure all of the attributes that make up sound quality, though I'm not sure we know what the measurands are precisely!