Replacements for iPod Earphones


New member
Aug 10, 2019

Having bought an iPod and find that I'm using it everyday now (try taking the bus to work watching Heroes/24, tis far more relaxing that being stuck behind the wheel in stop/start traffic), its time to replace the earphones that it came with for something more immersive.

As I'm using public transport, sound isolation is a pretty high priority (drown out the screaming children and those who feel that everyone in the world appreciates the awful sound that eminates from their mobile phones). Obviously I want the best sound quality I can (given that these things are going into my ears as opposed to my trusty supra-aural sennheisers at home) and I don't really want to spend more than £100 - the iPod didn't cost much more - so, £50-£100.

From what I've read so far you either have good sound isolation or good sound, not both (please correct me if I'm wrong). I've seen the award winning SE110's for £50 but opinion seems to be mixed (especially in the bass department which can make a lot of difference when you are immersed in a good TV series), I can get the SE210's for £65 but opinion seems to lower than the 110s. Klipsch Image (X5/X10)'s are a little out of my price range and I reckon I can do better than Sennheisers CX300s.

Oh, and if it helps, my iTunes collection is mainly 320Kb/s AAC (although not sure what the TV shows are encoded at).

So, what should I shortlist as replacements for the freebies that Apple threw in the box?



I have some CX300s from about 4 years ago. Very good, but not as good as they could be. Muddy around the bass. the new one's may well have firmed things up a bit. They are incredible value for the step up they provide. Very easy to fit and block out a fair bit of outside noise. Add to that the fact that they're fairly rugged and you have a good bet.

I've bought a better set of Ultimate Ears Triple-Fi 10s. And for £180 they're very good indeed. But I don't think you could go wrong with the Shures. Especially the 210s at £60. I'd probably go for them and forget the rest at that price. What does everyone else think?


New member
Feb 26, 2009
Apples new dual driver earphones blow the CX300 away... by miles....

Also owned the Shure SE210 and they sounded dull and flat, prefer Apple's. Plus there's an in-line remote and mic..


New member
Feb 26, 2009
You also get a far better seal with the apples than the sennheiser design of earbud. I've heard it's possible to replace the soft plastic earbuds with foamie ones (be careful to get the right size, as i say it's different from the sennheiser shape, probably more similar to shure's) and the isolation would be excellent. Comparable to shures except the earphones themselves are smaller making it easier to fit into your ear and get a seal.


Ok. I have the SE110s and CX300s as possibles here but what other good options are there in the £50-£100 category? ie if the SE110 won that category then which earphones were runners up?

This morning I saw a copy of WHF separates special (dated May 09) which shortlists the SE110 alongside the Klipsch Custom 2 amongst others. I can't however find a review (or indeed much comment) on the Custom 2s.

My main reason for not just jumping for the SE110s is that a lot of people seem to criticise its bass response.

So what else is there in this price bracket that I could consider?



Or have a look at the Ultimate Ears range. Maybe some UE 4 would work well. They do an iPhone compatable model with mic and button too if you need it.


Well-known member

Ok. I have the SE110s and CX300s as possibles here but what other good options are there in the £50-£100 category? ie if the SE110 won that category then which earphones were runners up?

This morning I saw a copy of WHF separates special (dated May 09) which shortlists the SE110 alongside the Klipsch Custom 2 amongst others. I can't however find a review (or indeed much comment) on the Custom 2s.

My main reason for not just jumping for the SE110s is that a lot of people seem to criticise its bass response.

So what else is there in this price bracket that I could consider?


I'm not joking here - I've had my ears cleaned and demanded a replacement of the SE110 cos I though it must have been a dud pair to have sounded so poo poo - and trust me I don't dislike it because of a lack of bass, but cos I find them unbearably dull esp. with strings in classical music which sounds like mud.

But that's just me - others swear by them, however like JD you could do worse than replace a broken CX300 or maybe the new CX300 II.


I think someone's trying to tell me something... CX300 CX300, "'d be suprised" [JohnDuncan], "...very good..." [Will Harris], "...I'd go for the CX300s..." [professorhat] let alone what I've read on other threads.

Then suddenly I get an email from (being on their mailing list) and lo and behold, the CX300s, 62% off, now only £14.99.

Ok, ok, I give in, and I know this is not as big a deal as the SE110's going for £17.99 last December but for £15 I've ordered them anyway.

This isn't the end of it though, I do like the idea of the DTX50's should I still want more. The DTX50s, like the CX300s look more, well 'normal' in comparison to some of the others alien probes that require you to wear them upside down, wrapped around your ears and clipped to your nose (I jest on the last point).

Thanks for your feedback.



Well-known member

I think someone's trying to tell me something... CX300 CX300, "'d be suprised" [JohnDuncan], "...very good..." [Will Harris], "...I'd go for the CX300s..." [professorhat] let alone what I've read on other threads.

Then suddenly I get an email from (being on their mailing list) and lo and behold, the CX300s, 62% off, now only £14.99.

Ok, ok, I give in, and I know this is not as big a deal as the SE110's going for £17.99 last December but for £15 I've ordered them anyway.

This isn't the end of it though, I do like the idea of the DTX50's should I still want more. The DTX50s, like the CX300s look more, well 'normal' in comparison to some of the others alien probes that require you to wear them upside down, wrapped around your ears and clipped to your nose (I jest on the last point).

Thanks for your feedback.


Just one thing Sadie, both the SE110s and CX300s and most other in-ears need to be pushed in your ear to get the correct bass or they'd all sound horrible - so be prepared to push in and take a day or so to get used to it.

Big Aura

Well-known member
Oct 13, 2008
I bought a pair of Klipsch for £50 (can't remember what) and then swapped them a week later for a pair of Shure SE110, which were an amazing £18. The shure are truly a revelation. The bass ain't heavy, but it's really tight and punchy. Great pair.


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