Replacement tv for Sony 50W829


New member
May 16, 2010
I have recently sent my Sony 50W829 back to Currys due to two clouding spots and some build quality issues. I have been offered a replacement tv, they gave me a code to take to Currys to get a new one. Any suggestions as to what I could get to replace it?. I have been looking at the Samsung 6400 models as they tend to be around the same price. Was happy with the Sony, but dont want to risk getting another dodgy set. I will be using the tv for blurays netflix and gaming on PS4.
Thanks for replies guys. Has the Samsung a more uniform backlight than the Sony W829? I think both use VA Panels. Also its the 48" version that gets all the 5 star awards, im thinking that I would like to stick with my current screen size, cant find that many reviews of other screen sizes for samsung 6400, seemingly its the 48 inch model that gets all the credit.
Samsung UE40H6400 review here.

About backlight uniformity:

"Backlight consistency was fantastic on our Samsung H6400 review unit, with nary a hint of corner bleeding or clouding even before calibration. We also didn’t notice any significant dirty screen effect (DSE) during panning shots across a uniformly toned background (for example football field). While plasma still rules in the screen uniformity stakes, what we saw on the UE-40H6400 was probably as good as it gets for an LCD-based display. This is the reason why video enthusiasts generally prefer direct-lit LED technology – even without local dimming – over its edge LED counterpart."
audiowizard said:
Also its the 48" version that gets all the 5 star awards, im thinking that I would like to stick with my current screen size, cant find that many reviews of other screen sizes for samsung 6400, seemingly its the 48 inch model that gets all the credit.

Well, you really couldn't have looked very hard, because a single quick google search yielded

1. this Trusted Reviews look at the 55-inch size,

2.this brief but equally favourable review by the French site DigitalVersus of the 55-inch size.

I would push you towards the slightly larger 55" rather than the 48" size, if you can at all afford it.

And, the tabletop stand on the Samsung H6400 series of televisions swivels, which is quite useful.
Unfortunatley when your buying a TV -- it all comes down to a panel lottory, I would suggest contacting Curry's to ask them to drop of another Sony W829, that way you can compare the two sets to see if the flaws are any better or worse! I know from past experience how annoying it can be returning TVs. Over a year ago i went through several TVs! Samsung F7000 -- Panasonic GT60 before settling for Sony W905, I guess what i'm trying to say is you might not be any happier with a Samsung or Panasonic LED TV. As you said your happy with the Sony, so why not try another replacement first. You might just get lucky.
Sorry i thought you still had the current Sony TV, I just read your post again. Best of luck on what ever TV you decide on.
Well I eventually decided to exchange the tv for another Sony 50W829, and the new one has the clouding spots in the very same area on tv. Only noticible when screen is trying to show dark areas when the lights are turned off at night. As you said, it can be a bit of a panel lottery, but this seems to be something to do with the way the tv is built. The first tv build date was November 2014, and this one is February 2015. The two clouding spots are in the middle at bottom of screen, right above the sony logo. I was considering getting the Samsung 48H6400 as replacement and now starting to wonder if I should have done that. I know clouding is just part of the technology, but the 2 tvs I mentioned has never had clouding mentioned in any of the reviews, hence the reason I picked the Sony. Ive got a Panny 50GT30 in living room, maybe im just used to plasmas now and the fact that there screens have great uniformity.
audiowizard said:
I was considering getting the Samsung 48H6400 as replacement and now starting to wonder if I should have done that.

Yes, you should indeed have got the Samsung 48H6400. Bigboss and I gave you plenty of links to excellent reviews of the Samsung H6400 series!

audiowizard said:
I know clouding is just part of the technology, but the 2 tvs I mentioned has never had clouding mentioned in any of the reviews, hence the reason I picked the Sony. Ive got a Panny 50GT30 in living room, maybe im just used to plasmas now and the fact that there (sic) screens have great uniformity.

Which makes bigboss's post number 5 above, where he specifically quoted about the great screen uniformity of the Samsung H6400, all the more pertinent to you, surely? It's difficult for me to understand you - you asked for advice, then went against two independent people saying essentially the same thing about the Samsung H6400 series, and now things have not turned out too well so far.

Listen to me and bigboss, take the second Sony back and get the Samsung 48H6400.
Does the clouding affect normal viewing! Or will the clouding only become an issue when your looking at -- darker backgrounds ? LED TV's will suffer from flashlighting/clouding/blobs/banding/DSE. i suppose it all comes down to what you can or can't live with..


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