Remote control


New member
Aug 24, 2007
I think we'll all agree it's handy having a remote.

Not quite so handy when it goes missing...and I think I know who the culprit is. He's about 2 feet tall and likes 'In The Night Garden'.

Little ******. I haven't checked the oven yet. If it's in there then maybe I'll pop him in there too. Or perhaps I'll just hide his NinkyNonk until he tells me where it is.



nads:is this not the second time?

It's about the hundredth time. I've just found it in his toy basket with his guitar and portable CD player (not a real one, but irritating nonetheless)

Extra sprouts tomorrow methinks. For breakfast (or in 19 month language, Shushrash).

Good times, when hes older he want want to pinch your stuff, and thats more upsetting !
nads:is this not the second time?

It's about the hundredth time. I've just found it in his toy basket with his guitar and portable CD player (not a real one, but irritating nonetheless)

Extra sprouts tomorrow methinks. For breakfast (or in 19 month language, Shushrash).

as in reported here.

good luck.
Well I use a programmable remote control. It was expensive and I certainly wouldn't want to lose it but at least I can fall back on the original remote if necessary. Perhaps you should get in the habit of putting is up high. I have two dogs and don't leave anything that could be mistaken for a bone within reach.
we lost our pronto,found it two years later in a toy box that i'd put in the loft!

i've got two of the little s****, and things don't get any easier!

its great when in the night garden is on more than any film you own!

and when your sky + is full up because of blo*dy peppa pig, you know something is wrong with parental control in the house!!

here's hoping they want several gap years abroad, so i can use my kit to it's full for a change!
I think we'll all agree it's handy having a remote.

Not quite so handy when it goes missing...and I think I know who the culprit is. He's about 2 feet tall and likes 'In The Night Garden'.

Little ******. I haven't checked the oven yet. If it's in there then maybe I'll pop him in there too. Or perhaps I'll just hide his NinkyNonk until he tells me where it is.




Oh well. At least if it's an Arcam remote you're talking about, you've got a stack of others that'll do the same job!

I've put both of my Arcam remotes away, and have configured my 875 remote to do Arcam duties too.

Fortunately I don't have a little person to help with losing stuff, and even if I did the sheer heft of the 875 remote would mean it'd be pretty tricky to lose.


Hope you find it before it bio-degrades.


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