plastic penguin said:
Does anyone know the prospective cost? I would guess (and it is purely that), the RP8 is about £1600, then the 10 should be around £1800-£2000.
If the difference were that small then no-one would bother buying the RP8. (If you can afford £1600 then you can also afford £1800-£2000).
I would add another £1000 to your guess and raise it.
(Those precision machined ceramic platters aren't cheap. The one on the P9 was made from the same material found in some missile nosecones and cost more - for the platter alone - than an entire Rega P5 at the time.)
Then again, it might come as a package with it's own dedicated power supply like the P9 used to.
I will stick my neck out and say £4798 (Rega like prices that end in 98 ) for an RP10 with power supply and £25,000 (ish) for the 'Naiad' if it appears as a production model. (Probably only a very few, built to order, to mark their 40th anniversary.)
All guesses. (And very conservative ones. I wouldn't be suprised if I were erring on the low side.)