Hello. I'm watching the forum and the reviews closely for a long time now and I decided to post this question as I can't seem to find a clear direct comparison over the sound characteristics of the two. Where I live, it is impossible to A B compared both turntables in a store or with my setup so I have to take your opinions. I run a full tube setup handmade by a Greek designer Tsakiridis devices with a tube preamp and 2 separate Poweramp mono blocks driving a pair of Lintons. The setup was on the warm side but I managed to bring it where I wanted with a pair of great quality handmade speaker cables. Now I have the chance to get a turntable and I can afford either a planar P2 or a pro-ject debut carbon Evo. I like the extra features on the pro-ject and it is a little easier to get where I live. The comparison on the site gives a little more credit on the planar when it comes to sound quality. The question is which will match me system better and if the preamp stage will play a great role in that. Currently available NAD PP 2e. Is one of the two brighter? The Lintons are heavy on the bass which I like but don't want them to sound too dull What do you all thing? Thank you in advance.