REGA Elex-R question for owners


New member
Jan 2, 2016
Hi. I'm a bit concerned that my REGA Elex-R produces a not-nice 'clap' through my speakers at each power up, like my amps used to do in the 70s. I know the Elicit-R has a timed relay at start-up to avoid that but I couldn't find out for the Elex-R. Any other owner who can shere experience?

No sound from mine upon start up, in fact a very quiet amp overall. No transformer hum either even with ear pressed against casework. Does your transformer hum? There seemed to be a variety of user experiences with the Brio-r, from humming transformers to popping during switch on. Others had no problems. Seems the same might be true with the Elex-r. I swapped my Elex out for a Nait 5si recently. This does pop when switching on. This is apparently normal and does not affect the speakers I've read.
Mybr brio r did, but I actually liked the sound, a sudden rush of power to the speakers, shows its doing its job. My roksan does it a little, which I also like.

Call rega if you are unsure.
Thanks for your answer. I'm not sure I want to send it back, it doesn't humm of anything. I love it and works perfectly well beside that *klunk* at power on. The (small) noise doesn't bother me but what I want to avoid is damaging my CM6's.
Hi had a very fast reply from Rega on Twitter:

That is perfectly normal and all Elex-Rs make this noise on power-up. This is a result of the power supplies energising. This part of the circuit is not governed by the relays.

So, all good! 🙂


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