Apologies in advance for resurrecting a really, really old thread. But I don't know where else to turn.
I've had the EXACT same problems as the previous poster on here. The Brio falls silent. You can power it on, but no inputs appear.
I already returned it once, to Holburn in Glasgow (who are most the length of the UK away from me, in Bristol). They stated the problem was "One of the peripheral interface control chips (PIC) got stuck in a loop and had to be replaced / reprogrammed. Other than that it has had a full test and clean bill of health on everything else".
I tested it a couple of mins and seemed ok, so sold on eBay since I'd purchased a Yamaha amplifier due to needing living room audio.
The eBay user IMMEDIATELY came back stating there was a fault. The EXACT same fault 🙁
Holburn this time told him he'd need to pay to send to them for a repair. He declined, so is sending back to me for a full refund.
But where does that leave me?
I'm trying to contact Rega direct, since I don't want to ship the hifi accross the UK again for a repair that may or may not work.
Can I take the Brio into a local supplier in Bristol? Maybe Audio T on Park Street?
Rega reps, if any one of you are reading this please help. We don't have this kind of money to lose and this hasn't been a good experience.