I have little respect for hi-fi magazines as their ratings differ so much, so often, from my own.
I respect the opinions of certain friends more than anyone elses when it comes to hi-fi.
Some online audiophiles I respect. Some I treat as great sources of anti-advice. Whatever they recommend, do the opposite as a good guideline for getting the best results. Some are inbetween: I respect some of what they have to say, and don't agree with other things that they say.
Hi-fi dealers. Some are OK. There are plenty of dealers and ex-dealers I'd put in the anti-advice group.
I respect the opinions of certain friends more than anyone elses when it comes to hi-fi.
Some online audiophiles I respect. Some I treat as great sources of anti-advice. Whatever they recommend, do the opposite as a good guideline for getting the best results. Some are inbetween: I respect some of what they have to say, and don't agree with other things that they say.
Hi-fi dealers. Some are OK. There are plenty of dealers and ex-dealers I'd put in the anti-advice group.