Question REAL big question (can't find my sound for years)


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2021
Friends, greetings to all! Please don't laugh, but the question I want to ask is very important to me. For the last years I have been looking for "my" sound. But I haven't been able to find it yet... I have no goals to search just for the sake of the search itself, and I really want to buy something already and stop there. My goal is to find the sound in the highest quality and at the same time in the most portable version. I'm looking for an interesting sound that conveys energy and mood, not just a direct wave. And ideally, an all-in-one system so that it can be moved from one room to another.

Below I will list what audio systems I had and how I feel about them, maybe you can help me with something:

Over the past few years I have had

1) Elac Vela + Naim Atom and then Naim Unity. It wasn't a bad bunch, but it sounded a little boring. Besides, it was really difficult to carry it around the house. Unity sounded better than Atom, but the sound still seemed too ordinary. I didn't want listen to him too much. Also there was no equalizer in the system and I couldn't adjust the wall buzz, the bass was too sluggish and booming.

2) Next, I listened to a lot of different speakers in a variety of form factors. I found something that I really liked, it was the Focal Utopia Scala Evo 3 + Classe amplifiers. These audio speakers convey the mood in detail, you literally hear the energy in the air. But they are unfortunately expensive for me so far, and there is nowhere to even put them because of their size.

3) Then I tried to look in the direction of absolutely finished devices. I bought naim mu-so2. And it wasn't bad, but it really lacked stereo sound. I was forced to sell it too.

4) Since I travel a lot, I bought myself 2 pieces of Dali Katch g2. And you will really laugh, but they give the best sound that I have heard in recent years)) They have an amazing study of the voice, it's sugary and incredibly lively. For example, I turn on Diary of Dreams band and literally see gloomy castles and croaking crows, and then I turn on Louis Armstrong and feel like I got into the 60s. I do not know how they did it, but these are very cool devices that you can put close to yourself. They are not affected by the room, the location, and they are just cool. They have only one disadvantage - the lack of bass. Therefore, they cannot play electronic and especially rock music properly.

5) Next, I decided to buy Devialet Phantom 1 108db. And... it's perfect for me as a form factor, it can be moved from room to room, I like the design... But it's terribly boring. I absolutely don't want to listen to him. He just conveys nuances in technical detail, but I don't feel the soul in this sound. It does not attract at all (what hifi journalists wrote about it, unfortunately I read about it later).

I also tried to listen Kef ls50 2 wireless (a completely incomprehensible sound for me, the basses are separate, the tops are separate and the whole scene sounds somehow wrong), once bought dali oberon and dali rubicon active versions (the first are too bright, the second are not bad, but the sound handwriting that sounds good in a close field on dali katch but on dali rubicon it sounds somehow too "synthetic"). I returned all these speakers back to the store after 1-2 days of listening.

I also listened in detail to the B&W Formation Duo (unnatural sound for me, without depth, warmth and natural energy transfer), many options from Bang&Olufsen (there is no detail and clarity, for example, in comparison with Beolit 20 stereo vs Dali Katch stereo, Dali wins easily on medium and high frequencies, except bass).

It's not worth saying that many sellers in my area already know me, and they don't seem to know me in a very good word)))

Maybe you guys can tell me something. My ideal: a relatively portable system that plays deep, wide, beautifully and can convey the mood without slipping into dry sound analytics. But I am also ready to consider more "big" solutions, for example passive speakers + all-in-one streamer, if you think that this will be the perfect sound (but of course it is better for me if it will be an active all-in-one system). I would also like the speakers to convey all genres from the heaviest metal to classical and ambient, i.e. to be as multi-genre as possible.

While the sellers have not yet completely hated me, I will be able to listen to everything that you offer me to listen to))

My budget is now about $6000 (the price of 2 Devialet Phantom) but it can be cheaper of course
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Not really the best forum as you appear to be looking for a personal sound rather than something that mimics real life.
From your description of what you want, Bose & Sonos are probably all you need as they are designed for users like you. (I can see the purist tearing their hair out but he is not really looking for true Hi-Fi)

I've listened to some of the Bose options, but they sound like Jbl to my taste. They don't have hi-fi... Are there now any relatively portable systems that can give real hi-fi sound? If not, I'm ready to listen to some of the big options 👍
I don’t think you will ever find what you want.
getting the best out of a system requires setup in your room, you can’t just simply plonk down a hifi anywhere and it sound amazing. Probably two devialet phantoms would work better than just one. But that’s about the limit.
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you can’t just simply plonk down a hifi anywhere and it sound amazing.

The fact is that I listened to half of the audio setups in hi-fi salons in the best conditions. I also spent some time and outfitted my room with bass traps and diffusers. I also arranged the acoustics around the room and listened in different arrangement variations. Even in such conditions, I still can not find what I really like.

Guys, just write your setups please, which you really like. And I will try to listen to them, maybe I will find something for myself among it.
You won’t find anything on here that suits due to your requirements being completely different to most forum members on here.
Did you have your room professionally treated (Or took advice from professionals in the business) as the wrong treatment can make a room worse than no treatment at all.
Go for an amp that has room correction built in (Or add a separate unit in the chain) with flexible manual adjustments, you should then be able to tune it exactly to your requirements. (Look to music production articles on how to use EQ to get a particular type of sound)
HI-Fi equipment may not be for you, so also have a look at pro equipment (There should be plenty of pro music shops available to you) which may be better suited.

Guys, just write your setups please, which you really like. And I will try to listen to them, maybe I will find something for myself among it.
You've probably done more experimentation than most of the people here.
Anyone can tell you their favourites (which will often be what they own).
But it's unlikely to suit you.

Totally different listening experience I know, but I wonder if you've ever tried a decent headphone setup.
'm looking for an interesting sound that conveys energy and mood, not just a direct wave. And ideally, an all-in-one system so that it can be moved from one room to another.
I’ve never heard a portable system sound remotely like a decent Hifi. I suppose Linn Series 3 or the Devialet you heard might come close, but you didn’t like the latter.

Obviously most of us have a live experience as our reference. Mine is mostly orchestral music and piano recital. What’s yours? When did you last hear actual musicians? (I’m wondering if you are seeking an imagined sound)
Go for an amp that has room correction built in (Or add a separate unit in the chain) with flexible manual adjustments, you should then be able to tune it exactly to your requirements. (Look to music production articles on how to use EQ to get a particular type of sound)
Agreed. You need to find a way to EQ the sound to your taste...either built in to the amp/preamp or with a separate unit. 👍
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Thanks to everyone who wrote! As a result, I found a great option in the form of Kef ls50 wireless 2 with some improvements. You can listen to them both in the near field and in the far field and its great. Also, unlike the passive version, they have a wonderful equalizer built in and it is possible to fine tune the sound to your room. I replaced all the cables with high-quality ones, which greatly changed the sound towards a more lively feed in the breadth of the stage and the tops, and connected them to the mains filter, which improved the sound a little more too. You can also add 1 or 2 subwoofers to them, which also allows you to fine-tune the bass for yourself. I also found that connecting an external dac via aux (player or desktop device) dramatically improves the sound, while maintaining the possibility of equalization and a pleasant trifle in the absence of a large number of boxes. By the way, the sound that does not play through steam, but directly from files on external dac player (Captain Obvious=)) also gives a huge difference in sound. I also covered the racks with sand, which gave a good return on the bass, and slightly modified the router with good network filters from ifi ipower, which also greatly changed the sound signature when using the stream. Overall, I am happy with this purchase.
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