Re :- SONY STR-DA 1200ES Multi channel AV/ Receiver


New member
Aug 18, 2007
I recently purchased the above named receiver, but I have teething problems, and I was wondering if anybody could assist me in rectifying them, problems are as follows :- (1) Because I have connected the HDMI cable from my HD/SONY BRAVIA to the receiver, every time I require to switch the television for normal viewing ON, the receiver has to be switched ON prior to me viewing the TV. Is there any other way I can overcome this problem ?. (2) I have a 7.1 speaker system (8ohm) I have difficulty in setting up the speaker system, Front, Centre & Surround speakers seem to work but the back speakers I don't have any sound coming out. All cable connections have been checked, could this be a fault in the receiver or is it me not setting up properly. I would be very grateful for any respond, thanking you kindly. Regards:- FROGIT
The way round the first problem is to connect the HDMI straight from whatever source you're using to the TV.

The second problem? Is the receiver detecting rear speakers when you run the automatic set-up? If so, then it could just be that whatever you're watching has no surround content. With 5.1 surround material you also need to set the Sony receiver to run surround back decoding. See p60 of your manual.
Hi it's me again, I have gone to Surround Settings menu but when I select SB decoding & SB Dec Mode I am unable to change the contents
of the menu as they don't light up, am I missing something.

Regards :- FROGIT
Thanking you for the reply is it necessary to use the automatic set up procedure as I only have a small living room and ther are obstacles that might hinder.

Regards :- FROGIT
That's exactly what the automatic set-up is designed to deal with. If you haven't used it, then I'm pretty sure that in the speaker menu - manual, p64 - you'll find SUR BACK SP: NO
OK I will try the automatic system next week when I will have freedom to move the obstacles, once again thanks for your advice.

Regards :- FROGIT
Hi Andrew
Just to let you know I tried the calibration Test, but no luck the back surround speakers don't seem to work properly, I think
it's me not doing something right, also I am not able to get an On-screen menu on my television, sorry to trouble you but I
appreciate your advice very much.
Should I return the receiver to it's factory settings prior to carrying out the test ?

Regards :- FROGIT
Yes, do a complete cold boot of the receiver and try again. See manual P36.

Re the menu thing, I think you need to connect a composite video feed to your TV to get the menu up in order to set the thing up. Any spare audio interconnect will do to hook this up temporarily.
Hi Andrew Just to let you know I have carried out all the things you recommended, I have the menu on screen, make life a bit easier to adjust the AV/ settings, I have carried out the Auto-Calibration test but sill have problems with my rear-surround back speakers sound effect, I adjusted the SB Decoding and the SB Dec Mode as soon as I did the Auto-Calibration test, they would revert to the Off position, is this suppose to occur ? even though I set the save button.
At the moment I am not very impressed with this receiver, or am I expecting too much out of this machine hoping to have
sound from all speakers.
Do you think it is a fault ? or is it me not able to set it up properly.
Every time I attempt to carry out the test the same result keeps coming up.
I would be grateful for your support, sorry to be a pest, and once again thankyou.

Regards :-FROGIT
PS :- Just a thought, could I be using the wrong type of Speakers, they are not pro-logic speakers.

It should work no matter what speakers are connected to it. try running through all the various sound modes. and listen at each speaker.
Thanks for your reply, I have done all that but still no response through the rear surround back speakers.

Regards :- FROGIT