Question to ATC SCM19 owners


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I'm the happy new owner of those speakers (bought second hand), and I noticed something strange yesterday : after removing the cover of the speakers, I saw the tips of two little metallic wires going through the mid/low cones, about 2 or 3 cm away from the center of the cone. To give an image, they look like two tiny worms sticking out from the black surface.

Is it normal ? What is their purpose ?

(I never noticed such thing on other speakers, and since I bought those ones second-hand, I'm a little worried... yet, they really sound fantastic to my ears, so I doubt it is a defect)

I hope this is not a dumb question... 🙂



I'm the happy new owner of those speakers (bought second hand), and I noticed something strange yesterday : after removing the cover of the speakers, I saw the tips of two little metallic wires going through the mid/low cones, about 2 or 3 cm away from the center of the cone. To give an image, they look like two tiny worms sticking out from the black surface.

Is it normal ? What is their purpose ?

(I never noticed such thing on other speakers, and since I bought those ones second-hand, I'm a little worried... yet, they really sound fantastic to my ears, so I doubt it is a defect)

I hope this is not a dumb question... 🙂


Hi Pixxav

Yes, this is normal so it is all ok.

Btw, what components are you using with the SCM19's.


Rick @ Musicraft
Hi Rick,

Thanks for the relief. Do you have any idea what they are there for ?

The SCM19 are the first hi-end component I'm getting, so the rest of my system is a little below-par...

Rotel RA-02 for the amp and Marantz CD17 mkII for the cd player. Next step is to get good stands, and then a powerplant zillion-watts amplifier. I'm leaning towards Musical Fidelity A5 or Krell 300iL, or Class D amps. Frankly, anything that comes up on ebay in the next months.

... I forgot the ATC integrated amp 150W, certainly my top choice (if i had the choice).
