Question for Animesh Ghose...


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2013
Sorry to put your 'name in lights' in the thread title -- but you made a comment in the 'Vladimir' thread which I found interesting. You mentioned that you miss the sound of your Creek Evo50, having replaced it with a Leema Tucana ii. I am interested in this because I have several times contemplated upgrading my Arcam A-18 to a Creek Evo 50 (or at least arranging a demo), but have always pulled back becaue I am worried it would be a bit of a sideways move.

What was it you particularly liked about your old Evo50 in terms of sound. Didn't you, at one point, own a Marantz PM8005 (also on my radar)? How did that compare to the Creek / Leema?

I would be interested in your opinions. If anyone else has any ideas about whether the Creek Evo 50 would be an appropriate upgrade for an Arcam A-18, I would be grateful for any comments. My current speakers are Kef Q-300s, but I have my eye on demo-ing a pair of Focal Aria 906s at some point.
unhalfbricking said:
Sorry to put your 'name in lights' in the thread title -- but you made a comment in the 'Vladimir' thread which I found interesting. You mentioned that you miss the sound of your Creek Evo50, having replaced it with a Leema Tucana ii. I am interested in this because I have several times contemplated upgrading my Arcam A-18 to a Creek Evo 50 (or at least arranging a demo), but have always pulled back becaue I am worried it would be a bit of a sideways move.

What was it you particularly liked about your old Evo50 in terms of sound. Didn't you, at one point, own a Marantz PM8005 (also on my radar)? How did that compare to the Creek / Leema?

I would be interested in your opinions. If anyone else has any ideas about whether the Creek Evo 50 would be an appropriate upgrade for an Arcam A-18, I would be grateful for any comments. My current speakers are Kef Q-300s, but I have my eye on demo-ing a pair of Focal Aria 906s at some point.

no probs,

just came across the post now.

i really loved the evo 50a, when i purchased it i also demoed fmj19 and i found the evo50a lot more sweet sounding thn the fmj19.

obviously it can not be compared with the tucana ii as they fall into two very different price bracket and tucana ii is a lot more powerfull than the evo50a.

i found evo50a a well refined clear and clean sounding amp which adds sweetness to the music.

For that price range i couldn't recomment it enough.

yes i did have marantz amp, ithink that was pm 6005 which i bought to replace my MF E10. Having listened to it for an hour i put it back in the box and returned it. Year later i bought the evo50a and finally my 20 year old MF amp went in to retirement,

if i am ever to have a 2nd system my amp without any doubt would be the evo50a.
Animesh Ghose said:
no probs,

just came across the post now.

i really loved the evo 50a, when i purchased it i also demoed fmj19 and i found the evo50a lot more sweet sounding thn the fmj19.

obviously it can not be compared with the tucana ii as they fall into two very different price bracket and tucana ii is a lot more powerfull than the evo50a.

i found evo50a a well refined clear and clean sounding amp which adds sweetness to the music.

For that price range i couldn't recomment it enough.

yes i did have marantz amp, ithink that was pm 6005 which i bought to replace my MF E10. Having listened to it for an hour i put it back in the box and returned it. Year later i bought the evo50a and finally my 20 year old MF amp went in to retirement,

if i am ever to have a 2nd system my amp without any doubt would be the evo50a.

Thanks. A large part of me thinks that Arcam A18 to Creek Evo 50 is a sideways move and isn't worth the chunk of money. (I picked up the Arcam new for £299 from Richer and the Creek would likely cost more than double that.) You know how it is, though...the voices in your head keep urging you to upgrade 'just for one final time' to arrive at your 'ultimate' system....the one you will really enjoy.

Earlier on this evening I sat down and played a song called 'Love at first sight' by XTC. It starts with a crunchy, choppy guitar riff followed, after a few bars, by crashing drums and thumping bass. It sounded so good on my system, so utterly diverting and arresting, that I sat there with a great big smile on my face and thought, 'Why on earth would I want to change this system'. The eloquent Arcam seems to work really well with the expressive KEFs and I don't want to upset that chemistry, having spent years tweaking interconnects, cables, speaker positioning / isolation pads etc. to get it right. I really don't want to have to start all over again with a new set up...

...but those hi-fi 'voices in my head' keep whispering!


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