Quad 22L2 - Speaker Choice Help!!


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Aug 10, 2019
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Does anybody have any construcutive views on the Quad 22L2 speakers?

I am looking for a new set of speakers and I am sruggling to finalise my selection. I have tried several including the MA RS8's, B&W 684, Mordaunt Short Mezzo 6. I cant seem to find the right balance. I want somethinng with a degree of impact whilst retaining plenty of detail.

Any ideas?


I am currently borrowing (from my father in law) a Roksan Caspian amp and i own an Arcam CD73 cd player. My intention is to buy either the Naim Nait5i or roksan kandy K2 amplifier. I will eventually upgrade the cd player when the fiances permit.

the record spot

Taken in isolation, I think the Quad range is pretty impressive gear - how they match up with the rest of your system is a different story. Have to agree that they could well be what you're looking for, but you'd be best to have a listen if you can.

(This fromthe guy who's bought most of his stuff without hearing it, but hey...!)


I have the quad 22 L2s with an Arcam A70 and CD73. I think the arcams and the quads are a good combination sonically, although the A70 is only 50 wpc and I think the quads could do with a more powerful amp. The other thing with the Quads is that they are a bit sensitive to placement - if space is an issue for you, you might want to consider other speakers. ÿTo my ears, they're also not very forgiving of poor recordings. Those issues aside however, I am very happy with them - particularly with orchestral, classical music generally, and jazz. I originally had an old rotel amp and felt that the rotel/quad combination didn't work as well - a bit bright for my taste, which is why I changed to the Arcam.



Does anybody have any construcutive views on the Quad 22L2 speakers?

I am looking for a new set of speakers and I am sruggling to finalise my selection. I have tried several including the MA RS8's, B&W 684, Mordaunt Short Mezzo 6. I cant seem to find the right balance. I want somethinng with a degree of impact whilst retaining plenty of detail.

Any ideas?

I have had these speakers for over 12 months running with Roksan Kandy amp and cd. The sound is superb with all kinds of music - White Stripes to Classical so I would have no hesitation in recommending them especially when I paid £900 for them and now they are available for £600 ish. Amazing value!



Have listened to the Q22L2 on my Quad power and source train=909,99 pre and Q cdp2 system and much preferred the

ATC35s.....ATCs are much better integrated bottom thru the mid to the top..They have decent "slam", excellent mids and

a none harsh top end...35s are quite detailed++++you can find them used--a bargain.


I have had a pair of these for about 18 months and I think they are brilliant. I have a Marantz CD 6000 KI feeding an Audiolab 8000s (original) which drive them easily.

They do need 24" behind them and be at least 24" from any corner. Found the sweet spot in my room (13' x 15'room) to be about 6'6" apart from the inside edges and 22" from the rear wall and toed in about 20 Degrees.

Sounds fantastic with vocals and Guitars and has very good tight low bass.

Hope this helps.


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