Quad 21/22L2


New member
Aug 26, 2009
Hi All,

I really like the look of Quad's 21L2 and 22L2 speakers and they come in a range of gorgeous wood finishes (and my wife to be also likes the look of them).

Does anyone on here have a pair/heard a pair? If so, what is their 'tonal quality' and what would be a good partnering amp or all in one? I'm thinking of the Marantz M-CR603 but as the Quads are an unknown quantity to me I'd liek to guage opinions of them before travelling a long way to hear a pair.

Bit bright I think but I agree that the finish is great. Arcam or indeed Quad amps would work better.
Hi Dave,

I own a pair of Quad's 21L2 and they are truly magnificent. I have the piano black finish and they look great too - no complains from the wife!

They are not very well known and you will not find a lot of reviews but this is a review which sums up the speaker quite well: http://www.twochannelaudio.com/Quad21L2speakers.html

I have them hooked up with a Marantz PM6003 and it's a pretty good pair although I think they will sound even better with a valve / more expensive amp. I don't know how they will sound with the Marantz M-CR603 but if I were you I would stick to separates..

Keep in mind that they're not ideal if you listen to loud trance, house etc as they are pretty delicate and work extremely well with acoustic, classical, jazz and ethnic.

Hope you have a chance to listen to them, as in my opinion they are much better than other speakers in their price range.

Thanks for you inputs guys...

They do seem to be exceptional value, and I liked the review you pointed me to GeneralMidi - I actually read it yesterday.

I think they would suit my tastes quite well, and a lot of their use will also be with TV and films so delicacy is probably a good thing.

I was thinking of the all in one for convenience, but am not averse to separates at all.
I'm in a similar situation to Dave above and would like to ask if any Cambridge amp owners have these speakers hooked up and what kind of tonal match are they with the CA gear ?

Sorry Dave, don't want to hijack your thread but it may be of help to you also...!
Red Dragon:

I'm in a similar situation to Dave above and would like to ask if any Cambridge amp owners have these speakers hooked up and what kind of tonal match are they with the CA gear ?

Sorry Dave, don't want to hijack your thread but it may be of help to you also...!

No worries Red Dragon: the more responses the better!
They're both superb speakers

I demo'd them a while back with Arcam, NAD and Marantz amps and CDP's and they sounded superb on the end of the Arcam and NAD gear

They sounded fine with the Marantz seperates also but the overall sound was a little smooth for me whereas the NAD amp and CDP were superb and punchy but with great timing as well.

SightandSoundUK have them at a great price currently; they do come in gorgeous finishes as well.
Could you recommend a particular NAD or Arcam amp then, or how about the Solo or Solo mini?

Thanks again.
i heard 22L2 if me thinks correctly where connected to CA640a and they sounded great
Could you recommend a particular NAD or Arcam amp then, or how about the Solo or Solo mini?

Thanks again.

The Arcam Solo would be a good match for the QUAD speakers; the Solo Mini would work but it wouldnt be able to drive the speakers to their best

The NAD C356BEE amp would be a very good match as would the Arcam FMJ A28 amp. Not sure on your budget but if you're happy to look at decent 2nd hand amps then the likes of the Arcam Alpha 10, NAD C352 or C355BEE, Rotel RA1062 or the RA06SE and the Musical Fidelity XA100/XA200 amps would be a very good match


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