Review Q acoustics 3050i


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2023
Got a pair 2 days ago after the 1st pair arrived faulty suffice to say sevenoaks replaced them without problem, they r to replace mission mx3's (which r gr8 but lack volume) I looked to upgrade and obviously have, I've had a lot of different speakers, tannoy, mission etc etc and usually go with what works, I had mx3 missions because of the size, I upgraded to mx4 mk2s but heard the q acoustics whilst they were still under agreement of being able to swap for 28 days, the missions lack the bass of the q acoustics, there's so many buzz words audiophiles use to explain sound, all I know is the q acoustics don't muddy up at high volumes, i push systems to there upper envelope regular especially with classical, I usually use a pioneer a400 but recently got myself a Yamaha which is good, the q acoustics handle all music without effort, they are on the deep side which I also love mission for but have a lovely light treble, maybe it's their new decoupled tweeter ? I doubt it makes a difference but something is working, I suppose I too am an audiophile in that I love music way past what's normal and spend much time on finding the right hifi, I was wowed by the mx3s because of the price and little 5 inch drivers delivering such good bass and treble and they fitted the space I had not wanting bookshelf speakers, I loved the mission 763i because they were so deep yet sang crisply, I'm 40 and began with mission 760i's ? I was 14 and loved them so it took a few attempts to get me to go with anything else but mission, Ive tried allsorts but the q acoustics have managed I cant put it better than that.......
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Good to hear you are enjoying the 3050i. I had a pair and they are very capable speakers, but in the end they were too large for my space and set off all the bass resonances in the room. I wouldn't say no to a pair if I ever get a larger listening space.

Which Yamaha did you get?
It's the rs2020d I picked up in the sale, it took a lot to get me away from a pioneer a400 and mission Cyrus which it hasn't I love those amps but wanted a newer amp with a built in Bluetooth receiver rather than adding them on and the price nearly half at 149.99 (richer sounds), it's a nice amp I couldn't quite believe the reviews for the price, it's detailed and powerful, I wouldn't say it's the rated 100watts but maybe 75-80 and has the 4 speaker inputs I wanted although at a small guage, I use a wharfdale SW 150 woofer which did compliment the mission mx3s but the q acoustics drowned it out mostly now, I have an earth issue with it using speaker line inputs (buzz when the amp is off) think it needs earthing from the back of the woofer to the amp but it completely disappears when the amps on, it shouldn't bother me but it does 🙂, I moved my other hifi to the living room, I might put the woofer in there instead, I'd like to know what set up you have, as a music lover I like to know about other people's hifi, it's all about music enjoyment to me and growing up in the 90s with my father getting decent budget gear means I can't fully enjoy music without a decent source, people think they have to spend thousands on hifi but a little research goes a long way
It's been a close thing, once or twice, but thanks to my Dad teaching me not to buy the first thing I saw, as there may be something better in a shop further on. I often came home.with my spending money unspent.


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