Q Acoustics 3020 bass questions


New member
Oct 23, 2007
I want to buy one pair of Q Acoustics 3020 for my Yamaha MCR 640 mini system. In my country I can buy only online, so I cannot listen them. Q Acoustics 3020 being a very small speakers (26*17*22.5 cm ) I wonder if how many bass power has compared with Dali Lektor 2 or Q Acoustics 2020i or Dali Zensor 1 (another speakers, which I would buy, if 3020 is weak in bass department). In many hifi magazine review (Hifi choice, What hifi) is described as a speaker with decent bass power compared with another budget speakers like Diamond 220 or Acoustic energy 101, I wonder if this is true, because the Q Acoustics 3020 has so little cabinet.

What is your experience?
Another Question: is there any difference Q Acoustics 2020i vs. 3020 at bass impact ?
Simply Google the specification and you will see Frequency Response is quoted to go down to 64Hz and size of the woofer would also indicate some sort of tapering off at this level or higher on all those speakers. My tiny Teac speakers taper off from around 150hz down to about 60hz hence I run an active subwoofer to go down to 28hz with crossover set to high 180hz. It is the size and number of the woofer and cabinets and they are just too small hence why they sell subwoofers. I did own some old Tannoy M2's I bought during my uni days and they are the only stand-mounted/bookshelf speakers I know that pick up the full range - they are very large and you can pick these up very cheaply second hand.
Hello Tibor,

Many thanks for considering Q Acoustics loudspeakers. You will have seen from _every_ review that the 3020 delivers an excellent bass response for a standmount speaker. Its published frequency response down to 64Hz is within +/- 3db and measured in an anechoic chamber. In a real room, it will sound as though it goes lower than this. It will also be a good match with your Yamaha MCR-640.

If you have a good pair of headphones, please have a look/listen to this YouTube video. It gives some idea (but not of course the ultimate quality) of the differences between the 2020i and 3020 speakers.


Best regards

Steve Reichert - PR Manager - Q Acoustics
I own a pair of 2020i and they don't sound bass light at all, yet at the same time it remains tight and rhythmic. Very good speakers, and from what I've read I would imagine the 3020 are even better.

Steve Reichert - How would you say the 3020 and the Concept 20 compare?
Thank you for all response, so I think Q Acoustics 3020 has a decent bass power, and will be suitable for me, and the bass power of 3020 is similar (and no weaker) with bass power of aforementioned budget speakers. However many budget bookshelf speakers go deeper:

Dali Lektor 2: 51 Hz,

Diamond 220: 56 Hz,

Acoustic Energy 101: 48 Hz

I alredy have a "bassy" speaker in my first system (Quad 11 L classic, a speaker with strong bass), I wonder how will sound the Q Acoustics 3020 compared with Quads.
I just got a second system for my living room consisting a pair of 3020's, a Denon DM40 and a network player. The 3020's give the perception of going plenty deep and sound really great for the money, but give them a good pair of stands to work with.


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