Pro-ject phono stage vs Roksan built in phono stage


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Hi, I had a chance yesterday to borrow my brothers pro-ject phonobox II to try out on my turntable as currently I have it connected to the built in phono stage of the Roksan Kandy Intergrated. I have been listening this morning to my favourite vinyl's & I must say that the pro-ject phono stage is much better than the built in roksan. I would not say miles apart but the difference is clear. The bass is a more defined, treble sounds clearer. There is a sense of more space between instruments & a bigger soundstage. I will therefore be getting one for myself & possibly later upgrade my cartridge to a MC Rondo Red. Has anyone else had the same experience as me with getting a separate phono stage?
As a general rule, built in phono stages tend to be more of an afterthought and are made to a price and are often excelled by a stand alone model. Considering Roksan's history and passion for analogue, they spent more effort on the K2 than many would have (hence the very small difference you were able to hear).

Considering your potential upgrade, I would opt for the Phonobox S/E as a minimum.
In fact, Lehmann black cube or the Clearaudios might be a better idea. The basic Pro-ject isn't that wonderful.
Tarquinh:In fact, Lehmann black cube or the Clearaudios might be a better idea. The basic Pro-ject isn't that wonderful.

Considering these are between 3 and 4 times the price, I should hope they would be better. Having said that, the offerings from Pro-ject at a similar price are also far superior to the basic phono stage. But then, you get what you pay for!


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